M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Year in Review 2024 — December 2024 — 19B
Year in Review 2024
Jason Moss AKF, Member of WSP
Ryan Schulok AKF, Member of WSP
Peter J. Murano, Jr. T he B lau & B erg C o .
David Thomas T he B lau & B erg C o .
Christian Walsifer T he B lau & B erg C o .
Rick Heilmann, SIOR T he A rlington G roup
Mike Sauers S auers S now & I ce M anagement
Ryan Skupski AKF, Member of WSP
Mitchell Berkey C hiesa S hahinian & G iantomasi P.C.
Monte Ehrenkranz R egal B ank
David Curran C ushman & W akefield
Michael Bergman B ergman R eal E state G roup
Jeffrey Tertel N ewmark
Benjamin Yelm M arcus & M illichap
Ann Bailey NAI E mory H ill
Ryan Robertson JLL
Jon Mikula JLL
Justin Draplin E clipse C ottages
Kathleen McCarthy B lackstone R eal E state
Marisa Bosser C ontinental R ealty C orporation
Jesse Smith JLS A rchitects
Mike Adams, SIOR NAI S ummit
Michael Bartolacci NAI S ummit
Matt Sprung, AICP, PP NAI S ummit
Ivette Alvarado S ills C ummis & G ross P.C.
Jaimee Katz Sussner S ills C ummis & G ross P.C.
Chris Hillmann H illmann C onsulting
Brenner Green R eal P roperty C apital
Bob Frustaci P remier C ompaction S ystems , LLC
Leor Hemo V antage C ommercial
Corinne Giletto V antage C ommercial
Alan Lambiase R iver T erminal D evelopment C o .
John Azarian A zarian G roup
Andrew Benioff L lenrock G roup , LLC
Billy Procida P rocida F unding
Jonathan Morgan M organ P roperties
Veronica Ferrero E migrant M ortgage
Anthony DeSenzo F irst B ank
Gregory Pettinaro Pettinaro
Michael Novak A tlantic E nvironmental S olutions , I nc .
David Turley C ronheim M ortgage
Les McCoy D esign P oint
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