EN POS Brochure

Pelargonium interspecific

Calliope ® stands for 'Intense Color That Lasts'. An industry-first innovation and still the No. 1 geranium for color and perfor- mance. Large double flowers and intense flowering all-season long creates an impact in the garden.

A wide range of color options and large habits translates directly into consumer success.

Slow releasing fertilizer is the proven solution to boost the garden performance of Calliope ® Slow releasing fertilizer is the proven solution to boost the garden performance of Calliope ® To get the full potential out of the Calliope ® genetics for the end consumer, we strongly recommend the usage of controlled release fertilizer already during cultivation. To get the full potential out of the Calliope ® genetics for the end consumer, we strongly recommend the usage of controlled release fertilizer already during cultivation. Seen below is the development of Calliope ® M Dark Red in 1 litre pots per week.

Langzeitdünger liefert die besten Ergebnisse bei der Gartenperfor- mance von Calliope ®

Langzaam vrijkomende meststof is de bewezen oplossing om de tuinprestaties van Calliope ® een extra boost te geven. Om het volledige potentieel van de Calliope-genetica voor de eindgebruiker te benutten, raden we ten zeerste aan

The brand is divided in four series: Calliope ® M, Calliope ® L, Calliope ® Cascade and Calliope ® Landscape.

Label with stick

Damit man das ganze Potenzial der Calliope ® Genetik ausschöpfen kann, empfehlen wir bei der Kultur den Einsatz von Langzeitdünger. Unten sehen Sie die wöchentliche Entwicklung von Calliope ® M Dark Red in 1-Liter-Töpfen. ** We recommend Osmocote® Exact Protect 8–9M (2–3kg per m3 potting soil) Seen below is the development of Calliope ® M Dark Red in 1 litre pots per week.

om al tijdens de teelt kunstmest met gecontroleerde afgifte te gebruiken.

Op de afbeelding hieronder ziet u de weke- lijkse ontwikkeling van Calliope ® M Dark Red in 1 liter potten.

Pots available from Pöppelmann/TEKU

Hanging tag

Pot sticker

** We recommend Osmocote ® Exact Protect 8–9M (2–3kg per m3 potting soil)

** Wir empfehlen Osmocote ® Exact Protect 8 - 9 M (2 -3 kg pro m3 Topferde)

** Wij raden Osmocote ® Exact aan Protect 8 – 9 M (2 – 3 kg per m3 potgrond)

Check out the outstanding garden performance of Calliope ® versus competitors, scan the QR code!

9 Bekijk de waanzinnige tuinprestatie van Calliope ® versus concurrerende variëteiten, scan de QR code! Check out the outstanding garden performance of Calliope ® versus competitors, scan the QR code! Überprüfen Sie die herausragende Gartenleistung von Calliope ® im Vergleich zum Wettbewerb, scannen Sie den QR-Code!

Stick tag

CC trolley banners




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