Core 11: The Change Makers' Manual

Digital Innovation & Entrepreneurship


S cience ‘fiction’ for self-destruction and AI has provided them with the inspiration for many great Hollywood villains. Some, like the android Ash in Alien or Hal in 2001: A Space Odyssey , strike far from home, where no-one can hear you scream. Others target us from a post-apocalyptic future, like The Terminator . Some even create alternative AI worlds to control and cultivate us, like The Matrix . But the most unsettling are those that lie just beyond the frontiers of current technology – haunting glimpses of a future that is one scientific ‘breakthrough’ away. Picture Alicia Vikander’s sublime writers are fascinated by humanity’s capacity

but manipulative robot Ava in the Oscar-winning film Ex Machina . No wonder the advent of ChatGPT has tapped into our collective concerns, compounded by calls for greater regulation from Geoffrey Hinton (the Godfather of AI), tech industry luminaries such as Steve Wozniak and Elon Musk, and even ChatGPT creator Sam Altman himself. Will robots really outsmart humans within 10 years? Is humanity hurtling towards an AI apocalypse? “Hinton talks about autonomous weapons and labour market implosion. The tone is pretty terrifying,” says Matt Hanmer, from the Gillmore Centre for Financial Technology at Warwick Business School (WBS). “And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We are probably

AI: Should we be afraid? by Warren Manger & Simon Wilcox

witnessing the most rapid technological

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