El Programa Juntos

Octava parte: Referencias de soporte

Behnke, A. O., Urieta, D. M., Duan, S.,& Lewis, Z. (2020). Evaluation of Juntos 4-H: A wraparound program helping Latinx high schoolers succeed. Journal of Extension, 58 (2),Article #v58-2rb8, de

Behnke, A. O., Bodenhamer, A., McDonald, T., & Robledo, M. (2019). The impact of the Juntos Program: A qualitative evaluation. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 41 (1), 63 – 84. https://doi.org/10.1177/0739986318820486


Flores, A. (2020). Juntos survival kit for distance lLearning . OR: OSU Programa Juntos. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TUI3wYuinUXsHSKasW1Tyq3LASmFYsWr/view

Forcada, A. (2020, Julio 1). Juntos realizó su academia de verano de manera virtual. https://raleigh.quepasanoticias.com/noticias/ciudad/local/juntos-realizo-su-academia-de-verano-de-manera-virtual

El Programa Juntos (2021). Juntos 2019-2020 Annual Review . https://pub.lucidpress.com/b0cb5fa0-e4b0-4fa3-a9ba- b4f004078771/#UbkbOn9zQubJD

El Programa Juntos (n.d). Canal de Youtube de Juntos NC. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsHbSQ2etUCqLeWwEw_kqYg

Martinez-Cervantes, L. (n.d.) Why representation matters: From the voices of Juntos 4-Hers. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SujVK0BNZQ0CVBsiIkc6tHupfpKweCT4/view?usp=sharing

Moncloa, F., Diaz-Carrasco, C., Hill, R., & Erbstein, N. (2019). Effective engagement with Latino Youths and Communities. Journal of Extension, 57 (2). https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/joe/vol57/iss2/ 18

North Carolina English Teachers’ Association (NCETA). (2020). Fringes. The NorthCarolinaEnglish Teachers’ Association Journal . http://www.ncenglishteachersassociation.org/journalissues/

Universidad Estatal de Oregon Virtual OSU Juntos Family Day Invitation Flyer. OR: Autor. De https://oregonstate.app.box.com/s/gjgc391eqozit1ccvg84mjm5qlhfn8li

Rutherford, J (2020). New Juntos 4-H Program to Support Latino Students. EN: The Tribune. http://www.tribtown.com/2020/06/24/new_juntos_4h_program_to_support_latino_students/

Trunzo, A, & Hawks, S. (2021). Juntos Wisconsin Status Report-Spring 2021. University of Wisconsin-Madison. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S93n7vQqWD-DB7UMZzKvkRrzDPIG_5ur/view

Wardle, S. (2020, Agosto 10). Juntos connect with students through virtual academy. De https://news.ncsu.edu/2020/08/juntos-connects-with-students-through-virtual-academy/

William and Ida Friday Institute for Educational Innovation y el Programa Juntos. (2020,Mayo 4). Engaging your latino families during this time of crisis. https://www.fi.ncsu.edu/resources/engaging-your-latino-families-during-this-time-of- crisis Aud, S., KewalRamani, A., & Frohlich, L. (2011). America’s Youth: Transitions to Adulthood (NCES 2012 -026). Departamento de Educación, Centro Nacional de Estadísticas Educativas de EE.UU. Washington, DC: EE.UU. Oficina de Impresión del Gobierno.

Behnke, A. O. (2008). Expanding the Latino market niche: Developing capacity and meeting critical needs. Journal of Extension, 46 (5) Artículo 5RIB5. : http://www.joe.org/joe/2008october/rb5.php


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