PSM. Don't Ignore Your Back Pain

• Slipped vertebrae or disc • Tear or hyperextension to the supporting muscles or tendons • Arthritis These concerns can develop as a result of a myriad of environmental issues, such as having poor posture, prolonged sedentary activity, car crash, sporting accident, stress, heavy lifting, and so on. WHEN IT COMES TO BACK PAIN, DON’T WAIT! When you experience an injury to your back, or realize that you are experiencing regular pain as a result of an ongoing injury or overuse, it is important to find out the cause of your back pain as quickly as possible. Back pain can quickly become chronic, as a potentially small issue can become complicated when it is not addressed early on. Working with a physiotherapist can help you to identify the difference between environmental causes and something more medically based. To get started with putting an end to your back pain, contact us

This will take into account the health and vivacity of vertebrae and any potential stretches that may support optimal back health. • Supportandguidancewithanexerciseroutineandhabitformation,especially with cardiovascular activity that can stimulate improved blood circulation to the affected areas of the back, as well as strength-building activities. Attempting to undertake any of these changes on your own after you’ve experienced a back injury is both dangerous and not recommended. Working with a licensed and experienced physiotherapist can provide you with the guidance and ongoing support that you need to ensure that you do not experienceany further injuryasyouattempt toheal thecauseofyourbackpain. There are a lot of different reasons as to why you may be experiencing back pain, and ignoring any of them is not a good idea. Some of the most common issues that cause back pain to linger include:

• Muscle sprain or strain


INGREDIENTS • 2 large beets • 4 long carrots • 2 apples INGREDIENTS • Immunity

MICHAEL J. COOK Registered Massage Therapist

• 6 celery stalks • 2 limes or lemons • 2 inches of Ginger

Michael combines the best aspects of Massage, Acupuncture and Athletic Therapy to provide a safe but aggressive and effective, individualized rehabilitation programs ensuring the patient reaches their optimal goals quickly and economically.

• Kidneys • Pancreas • Digestive Tract

• Eyes • Liver • Spleen

DIRECTIONS Prepare beets, carrots, apples, celery, limes (or lemons) and ginger by chopping into smallerpiecesbeforeplacing intoa juicer.As theskinofabeet ispackedwithantioxidants and nutrients, it is recommended to leave the skin on the beet. Do not peel the ginger, which you will add to taste as ginger can be spicy. After all ingredients are added to the juicer, blend until juiced and smooth. Drink juice as soon as possible to obtain all benefitsof theantioxidantsandnutrients.Drinkoneglasseveryotherdayorasneeded.

Classes include: TOTALBODY,METABOLICCONDITIONING,UPPERBODY&CORE, GLUTES&ABS. Topurchase this item,please take thiscard to thecashregisterandexchange for the quantity you wish to purchase.

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