Supporting Trials
We welcome individual donations in any amount to Trials and the Advantage Testing Foundation, a recognized 501(c)(3) public charity. We are especially grateful for the support that Trials alumni and their families have contributed over the years.
• Friend: $5K+/Year
›› Branding on website, printed materials, and merchandise ›› Recognition in welcome speech and closing address
• Contributor: $10K+/Year
›› All Friend benefits ›› Communications with Trials Scholars through AT Foundation
• Patron: $25K+/Year
›› All Contributor benefits ›› Speaking slot for representative during the residency program
• Benefactor: $50K+/Year
›› All Supporter benefits ›› Day visit to patron premises for informational presentations/recruiting
• Partner: $500K+/Year
›› All Patron benefits ›› Invitation/speaking slot for closing events ›› Unique branding opportunities (naming rights for scholarships, awards, TA fellowships, etc.)
• Exclusive Partner: $10MM+
›› Exclusive proprietary partnership in Trials
Advantage Testing Foundation
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