By April Luedecke, CDOA
Spring NAPE 2020 delivered a thriving oil and gas community event. Professionals from around the world attended the expo to acquire prospects, find working partners, sell assets, promote products and services. NADOA is one of many groups that exhibits the benefits of a professional association at NAPE. This year, Michele Lawton and April Luedecke worked the event to help educate the attendees about the benefits of membership for themselves or their land staff.
Flyers, snacks and packs of gum were offered to those that stopped by to visit. Hundreds came by and many were glad to learn of the educational and professional support our organization can provide, as well as the invaluable networking opportunities. Michele and April answered many questions and our own Eli Murray dropped in for a while. Eli was able to provide some in-depth answers to technical questions posited by a visitor.
left to right: Erin Koskan Raughton and Michele Lawton
Keeping connections open between industry professionals has been a benefit in finding excellent educational speakers, securing corporate financial donations and encouraging staff membership. NADOA is known for providing helpful information through the popular Mergers & Acquisitions records kept on the website. We hope to grow as an organization by finding new members through community outreach opportunities such as NAPE.
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