47th Annual Institute Vendor’s Fair!
Help fill our Goody Bags for the 47th Annual National Association of Division Order Analyst Institute being held this year in Shreveport, LA We all look forward to the awesome freebies found in those Goody Bags at Institute. Please help us fill them with your company’s promotional items! Top promotional items everyone likes to see in goody bags are phone and electronic accessories such as keyring phone chargers, pop sockets, headphones, and portable speakers. Please help DOA’s get physical this year with some sports items like golf balls, towels and tees, Frisbees, umbrellas, and picnic supplies. Other practical things to provide include fold-and-store tote bags, travel tumblers, hand sanitizer, and koozies. NADOA is asking companies to refrain from sending any food or beverage items this year. We are planning for 450 people to be in attendance at this year’s Shreveport Institute; however, any quantity of items are appreciated. Please print, complete and mail the following donation form. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact either Amy or Heather and we will assist you in any way we can! Amy Gresham: AmyGresham@ymail.com Heather Lister: HLister@OneMapMinerals.com Donations can be mailed to the following address: Hilcorp Energy Company Attn: Yolanda Bazan 1111 Travis St Houston, TX 77002 If you are in the Houston area and would like to drop off a donation or have us pick up your items that can be arranged. We would like to thank you in advance for your time and consideration in making the 2020 NADOA Institute successful! Amy Gresham & Heather Lister Co-Chairs, Packets “Goody Bag” Committee
NADOA would like to welcome all vendors to this year’s 47th Annual Institute Vendor’s Fair! We hope you join us this year in the heart of Cajun Country, Shreveport, LA! We have already set prices and are gearing up to email out the initial blast to vendors. You can access the Vendor Registration Form here.
Contact Lewis Box to confirm your space now!! lbox@comstockresources.com or lewis.box@gmail.com Work: 972-668-0631 or Cell: 325-234-5741
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