2020 Q1

2020 NADOA Institute Speakers

The 2020 Institute Chairs & Speaker Committee are excited about this year’s Institute in Shreveport, LA. The 47th Annual NADOA Institute is offering something NEW this year. NADOA is offering six slots of class time on Wednesday, September 23rd, from 7:50 am to 3:40 pm, absolutely FREE to attendees who register for Thursday & Friday classes. CDOAs, do you know what 6 hours of classes means to you? WOW! This Wednesday event will be such a golden opportunity to earn 8 hours of CDOA credits.

will provide you with a variety of subject matters. The fee for members to only attend on Wednesday is just $65. Space is limited. We highly encourage you to bring your laptop if you are interested in becoming an Excel expert by the end of Wednesday’s classes. Even though NADOA is offering a full booking of classes on Wednesday, you do not want to miss out Thursday and Friday. We will be having the following speakers presenting to you on a variety of topics. On behalf of the NADOA Institute & Speaker Committee, we are looking forward to seeing all of you in Shreveport for a Louisiana style “Carnivale of Education”.

Note that each of the six time slots will provide you with the opportunity to choose between three speakers, who




Alyce Boudreaux Hoge - Attorney/Owner of Land Training

Calculations - OK SB168/ PPI


Andrea Tettleton - Attorney at Seabaugh, Joffrion, Sepulvado & Victory LLC

Summary of Louisiana Prescription Issues

https://www.seabaughlaw.com/ attorneys/atettleton

Austin Brister - Partner at McGinnis Lochridge

http://www.mcginnislaw.com/ attorneys/austin-brister

Adverse Possession

Benjamin Holliday - Principal at Holliday Energy Law Group

https://theenergylawgroup.com/ about-us/ben-holliday/

Proration Units & Retained Acreage

Legality Of Allocation Wells And Disposal Wells In Texas

Bill Hayenga II - Partner at McElroy, Sullivan, Miller & Weber, LLP

https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill- hayenga-ii-5b5533a9/

Brian R. Sullivan, P.E. -Founding Partner of McElroy, Sullivan, Miller & Weber, LLP Chad E. Sepulvado Partner of Seabaugh, Joffrion, Sepulvado & Victory LLC

Recent Developments At The Texas Railroad Commission

https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian- sullivan-4882a31/

https://www.seabaughlaw.com/ attorneys/sepulvado

Title Curative

Federal Leases - Royalties & Extensions

Chris LeCates Associate at Holland & Hart


Chrysta Castaneda - Owner of The Castañeda Firm

https://castaneda-firm.com/team/ chrysta-castaneda/

Ombudsman Royalty Owners


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