2020 NADOA Institute Speakers – Continued
Diana Frazier - Founder & President of Guardian Mineral Management & Consulting Eli Murray CDOA, CPLTA -Landman at Dorchester Minerals, L.P.
Mineral Management
https://www.linkedin.com/in/ elimurray-cdoa-cplta/
Payment and Suspense Issues
“A Breakthrough Evolution” Thursday Keynote Speaker
Frank Zendejas, MBA - Owner of Zendejas Strategic Integration
https://www.keaneunclaimedproperty. com/blog/third-party-unclaimed- property-auditor-interview
Unclaimed Properties - Feedback From The Field
Gary Joseph Senior Manager - Keane Unclaimed Property
Graham Smith - Senior Associate at Mazurek, Belden & Burke, P.C.
https://www.mbb-legal.com/bio- graham
Bakken Title Issues (ND/WY)
“Trends In The Oil And Gas Industry And Their Impact To Land Professionals”
Jerris E. Johnson, CPL - Principal of Lontra Energy Consulting LLC
https://www.lontraenergy.com/our- team
Working Hard vs. Working Smart Best Practices and Workflow Solutions
Joey D. King, CPLTA - Director of Land Services at Boxley Group
https://www.linkedin.com/in/joey-d- king-cplta-5625a622/
Kacie M. Bevers - Member of Steptoe & Johnson PLLC
https://www.steptoe-johnson.com/ kacie.bevers
Lease Expiration And Confusing Case Law In Oklahoma
Keith A. Needham - Principal of The Needham Company
https://www.needhampllc.com/keith- needham
Lu Ann Trevino - Attorney at The Trevino Law Firm
https://www.trevino-law.com/ attorney/lu-ann-trevino/
Royalty Owners & Identity Theft
Matthew Chumley - Geologist with Nadel and Gussman
https://www.linkedin.com/in/ matthew-chumley-71312432/
Geology For Non-Geologists
Matthew S. Schlensker - Member of Steptoe & Johnson PLLC
https://www.steptoe-johnson.com/ matthew.schlensker
Texas Receiverships
Melissa A. Munson - Member of Steptoe & Johnson PLLC
https://www.steptoe-johnson.com/ melissa.munson
Flared Gas Provisions
Mitchell E. Ayer - Counsel with Thomas Knight
https://www.tklaw.com/people/mitch- ayer
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