It’s time to start nominating colleagues and those who have influenced the oil and gas industry for an award that will be presented at the 2020 NADOA Institute in Shreveport, Louisiana. Please fill out the following form and return it to by June 1, 2020. 2020 Nomination Form for NADOA Membership Recognition Awards _____ Interaction Award: Presented to the NADOA member or affiliated organization who has demonstrated leadership in the promotion of the profession to the industry and the community. _____ Education Award: Presented to the NADOA member who has achieved a level of unusual distinction in NADOA’s education activities, as demonstrated by their contribution of time and service to the betterment of Division Order professionals. _____ Ellis Rudy Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award: Presented to the NADOA member who has exemplified the Division Order profession through demonstrated leadership contributions to the industry and the profession during his/her career. _____ Russell Schetroma Memorial Speaker’s Award: Presented to an individual who has contributed to NADOA’s growth and development by speaking, educating and sharing knowledge on numerous occasions to the NADOA Membership, the Division Order profession, and/or the industry during the past year. _____ Corporate Award: Presented to the group/company that has contributed the most to NADOA’s growth and development, the Division Order profession, and/or the industry during the past year. Please detail the nominee’s involvement in NADOA, the services they have performed and/or contributions they have made (You may attach a separate sheet if necessary). I would like to nominate ___________________________________________ for the award(s) marked below:
Nominator: ____________________________________________________ (Please Print)
____________________________________________________ (Signature) ____________________________________________________ (Daytime Phone)
Send nominations to: Member Recognition Awards Committee, c/o Michelle Harris (
Nominations will be accepted through June 1, 2020
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