JANUARY 1972 I376
President. . .
Biola Hour Host. . .
Managing Editor. . .
A Quiet Place
J. Richard Chase *The Church Around the World .
Warren Webster
*Panel Discussions
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*Christmas— God With Us . Glenn O’Neal The Creativity of God . . Tony Hanne Some Through the Fire .
Dick Hillis Is It What I Say? .
H. Norman Wright *Israel and P r o p h e c y ................................................. 58 Charles L. Feinberg *Biola Ho u r Radio Messages NOTE: Lloyd T. Anderson’s messages for December will appear In the No. 2 Issue of the Biola Broadcaster. Cover Photograph by Orville Andrews Student Photographer — Kirk Potter WHEN REQUESTING EXTRA COPIES OF THE BIOLA BROADCASTER, PLEASE ALLOW TIME FOR DELIVERY. Second Class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Penn Litho graphies, Inc., Whittier, California. Address: Biola Broadcaster, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638.
1972 XIJNDAy A f TECNCCN M IJ/IC4LS FEBRUARY 6 Bob Shepard and Blue Meadows FEBRUARY 13 The Melody Chorus Mr. Alfred Chan (Bass Soloist) FEBRUARY 20 The David Lloyd Singers Mr. Norman Nelson (Tenor Soloist) FEBRUARY 27 Covenant Gospelaires Quartet The Ray Lutke Family Singers MARCH 5 Dan Friberg and Greg O'Haver (Trumpet Duo) To be Announced MARCH 12 Salvation Army Band MARCH 19 Biola Chorale Biola Band _________ Mrs. Joyce^Ljjpul^rj ^ ( n ist and Soloist)
by J. Richard Chase This year we will vote for a president, many will change jobs, ward robes, homes and churches. Some will even change basic beliefs. Man is often called a decision making creature. In one sense, deci sions will be more difficult this year. For every situation there will be more options and more information about each option. No longer does a man awake to simply determine which tie he will wear with his blue suit and white shirt. Now he is confronted by striped ties, flowered shirts, and plaid sport coats! Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock gives some idea of the new decisions constantly before us. Products come and go so rapidly in our super markets that “55 percent of all items now sold there did not exist ten years ago.” And, “between 1950 and 1963, the number of different soaps and detergents on the American grocery shelf increased from 65 to 200; frozen foods from 121 to 3 5 0 ....” We probably would guess cor rectly if we said that from -1963 to 1972, the increase in new products was even greater. If you are taking longer to shop, the additional choices are probably responsible. On a higher level, how should we vote? What should we believe about a candidate? What laws should be enacted? In what programs should the church be involved? Some trends are disturbing, others hold prom ise; but who can be trusted? The less information a man has, the easier his decision. That is one reason why ignorance is bliss! But, wise deci sions can only be made on the basis of valid and extensive information, and this takes time and thought. There is a growing mass of information that enlightens, confuses, irritates and, above all else, complicates our conclusions by providing so many sides to each question that quick and easy choices are seldom possible. Toffler reports that in the mid-sixties the world’s authors and Page 4
publishers produced over 1,000 different books each day. Scientific and technical journals and articles are now being produced at the rate of sixty-million pages a year! Just when we think we have our mind made up, we hear or read of some new thought or piece of research and struggle to assimilate that item. Some, of course, have neatly solved the problem by turning a deaf ear to any fact or thought that runs counter to their first impression. But there is still a reaffirmation or decision that needs to be made over and over again as new material challenges us. Our decisions are also influenced — or complicated — by those basic values we hold dear. We become perplexed when the threat of war forces us to set our values of peace and freedom against each other. We are frustrated when those who normally influence us urge one direction and the information we have studied, another. The Christian need not face the same dimension of frustration as that of the non-Christian. We have certain commitments that provide not only eternal life—but a basic framework for decision making that mini mizes a radically changing value system. With Christ, we affirm “Thy word is truth” (John 17:17). We value honesty, love, and individual worth, not because they are now in vogue, but because they are Biblically derived. We are influenced not alone by the changing scene of friends and leaders about us, but by the Word and the Holy Spirit. Our frustration is minimized because in a world of modification and constant decision making, Jesus Christ re mains the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). All of us will be bombarded with tough decisions at a rapidly increas ing rate during 1972. Thanks to our Lord there is that secret place, that quiet place of refuge where we may regain our perspective and strength. Page 5
By WARREN WEBSTER When our Lord was here on earth He often spoke in parables to pre sent heavenly truths. In Matthew 13 we have His explanation of how “the Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed." Although infinitely small when it is planted it grows so large that birds can make their nests in the branches. Christ was seeking to show that He was setting in action a movement which had the power of growth and multiplying within itself. It would spread its influence and power around the world. If anything ever began small it was certainly the Church of Jesus Christ. Only a handful of disciples gathered around our Saviour when He ascended into heaven. The company of believers gathering to gether in the upper room was about 120. In Palestine during those days there were probably about four million people. One- hundred twenty was but a handful. That would be about one out of every 30,000 inhabitants. The amazing thing is that those young believers went out at Christ's bid ding.
Today the Gospel reaches around the earth because of their faith fulness in committing unto others things which they had learned. It has been well said that "The sun never sets upon the Church of Je sus Christ." It has been estimated that in the last 150 years more people have become Christians, and more churches have been planted, than in the previous 1800 years. I challenge you to find a land where there are no Christians to day. One commentator has said that so far as we know, at the most, only one independent nation, probably Mongolia, is the only place left on the face of the earth in which the church has not been represented. Twenty years ago, when I was in graduate study anticipating minis try in Pakistan, there were at least half a dozen countries in Central Asia closed to the Gospel. Cod is most significantly at work. Take a look at Tibet which no longer ex ists as an independent nation. Yet, the Tibetan people are in closer contact with the Gospel than ever before. The Bible was translated
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turned to Nepal had found Christ in India. Despite the ruling these brave people shared the good things of the Saviour. Others be lieved and came by faith, accept ing Christ. They were baptized in the rivers publicly. Some were ar rested for their faith and stand. Imprisonment for six years fol lowed for those convicted of trying to change someone's religion. Last summer when I was there I learned that these men had been released. The reason was that in jail they witnessed to so many people and saw so many lives changed that the jailers wanted to get rid of them. Also, when the king of Ne pal was here in America in 1968, he received a Gideon Bible in his ho tel room. He asked if he could take it with him. We believe something from that Book had a divine im pact on his heart. Today, as a re sult, there are at least 30 groups of believers in various parts of Nepal along with a Bible correspondence school and men working on trans lating the Word of God. Think of it; in a land where there were no Chris tians 19 years ago. God is at work! Page 7
into their language around 1950. We know it has reached influential people there. The leader of Tibet, the Dali Llama, who is both king and the religious head, when he fled to India being pursued by the communists, upon his arrival asked for a Tibetan Bible. He told how he had been reading it back in his own country. He had to leave it behind as he escaped and wanted to finish it to see if the things writ ten and predicted in the first part of the Book were fulfilled in the second part. (Please put him on your prayer list.) It is a thrilling story to see how God is working among these people. Last summer I traveled through Nepal which was another one of these closed lands until 1952. Few er than 55 Westerners had ever entered the country. The palace revolution changed the situation. The government invited in people from other lands to help build their nation. There was religious free dom to the extent that one could worship in any form, although there was no freedom to share one's faith. Some of the people who re
the book of Acts. The number of Christians has increased by 800 per cent. Africa today is seeing probably the greatest Christian growth of any continent. In Latin America there has been a trans formation of lives as the Bible has taken root in hearts across that great land. Evangelical Christians are multiplying in both of those continents at a rate faster than the population growth. Today some portion of Scripture is available in more than 1400 lan guages which represents 97 per cent of the earth's population. What a great achievement in lan guage communication. Yet, there are many areas of the world where
I am convinced that if Christ should return today, there would be Mongolian believers in the fam ily of faith. Some of these doubt less have found the Saviour as a result of the Christian message from radio stations in Taiwan and Korea. We pray and cherish the hope that the mustard seed of faith, carried by air waves, is even now taking root in that mountain ous land. It is thrilling to see the Lord at work in other areas. Korea is a country where the number of Christians has doubled every 10 years since 1904. In Indonesia there has been a great revival reminis cent of the events taking place in
Dan Aanderud, center, is President of this year's Student Missionary Union organization. Page 8
and disciple the nations. The fact of world-wide gospel proclamation is itself one of the greatest evi dences of the nearness of Christ's return. This does not mean; how ever, that the job of world evan gelism is done. A third of the world's people have never heard the Gospel. Many others have not ever had it presented personally, demanding a decision. The job of world missions is not over, and will not be until Christ returns. Jesus said, "Occupy till I come." And when He comes, may He find us busy doing what He told us to do, taking the message to all the world! Impact of Christ Upon History TFTe Bible is a missionary book from beginning to end. In Genesis, we find that in time past God created all things. In Revelation we read of a time in the future when all things will be made new in Christ. In between follows the out working of God's redemptive pur poses in history. We are privileged to be partners in this outreach for God. Take a map and see the areas in which Christ is loved, accepted, and believed by countless people over the centuries. Then compare it with lands where He is little known and where men and wo men are steeped in darkness. It is the difference between day and night. Christ transforms lives as well as communities. Ancient Greek historians tell us that in Sparta, one of the states of Greece, all new-born children were examined by the government. Those who appeared strong and fit were allowed to live. The weak and deformed were left to die. Later, when the imposing society of Rome Page 9
three-quarters of the people have never even seen a Bible of any language. A great deal of distribu tion and translation remains to be done. In Pakistan and India, even if we were successful in putting a Bible in every home 80 people out of 100 would not be able to read it in any language whatsoever. We have a continuing call for teachers and specialists in literacy and lin guistics. What does all of this mean for us as Christians? First it demon strates that God is not dead. His purposes in Christ are not about to be defeated. It underscores the words of our Lord who long ago commissioned His followers to go
bish heap of life. Christianity was first to regard everyone as equal. A few years ago, at the Berlin Congress on World Evangelism, I had the privilege of listening, through an interpreter, to two of the Auca Indians. They had become Christians and for the first time came out into the modern world. They told us what life used to be like in their civilization before Christ's message was received. For one thing they had many wives. They quarreled continually. Happi ness and contentment followed their new way of life. Previously they used to hate and kill those who came into their territory. That is why they killed those five young men who sought to reach them in Ecuador with the Christian mes sage. Instead they now pray for their enemies. They go up and down the river in boats seeking to share the Christian message with others. They also explained that previ ously, when their parents became too old or too weak to work, by custom, they would bury them alive to be rid of the hindrance. Now things were different for, in Christ, all things had become new. They testified that they had learned to love, honor and care for their elderly parents. The Gospel has also transformed life for women. Aristotle, in the golden age of great culture and learning, wrote, "Society would be completely disorganized if women were on an equal plain with their masters." Socrates, and other great philosophers of that era, inquired, "Men, who do you talk to less than your wife?" Plato, in his book out lining his plan for the ideal state, recommended that women be held
had begun to deteriorate, the in stitution of marriage and family started to break up. Many women had a new husband every year. Children were often unwanted, es pecially if they were girls. Archaeologists have uncovered an interesting letter written by a man who had gone off to busi ness across the Mediterranean Sea to Egypt. He sent a papyrus letter to his wife, "My dear, if by chance, while I am gone you should bear a child, if it is a boy, let it live. If it is a girl, throw it out." Today, from the perspective of modern society, the Christian civilization takes a different view of life and wonders how people could be so callous. The difference came as a result of the One who said "Let the chil dren come unto me. Do not hinder them because of such is the king dom of Heaven." The Gospel of Christ has also changed life for the weak and sick. There was a time when there were no hospitals. Dr. A. Randall Short points out that the first blind asy lum in history was founded by a Christian monk. The first free dis pensary was started by a Christian merchant. The first hospital, of which we have any record, was founded by a Christian woman. As William Barcley puts it, "Christian ity was the first religion to be in terested in the broken things of life." Today, all over the world, Christian doctors and nurses are carrying on this ministry of com passion in the name of Christ who makes broken men whole. The Gospel of Christ is also work ing to transform life for the aged. In the ancient world the elderly per son was regarded as worth nothing else than to be discarded on the rub
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these pictures mean," she sug gested. They pronounced one sound after another until before they knew it they were sounding out the words for "God," "love," and "mother." One of the elderly women in the group, herself a grandmother, and perhaps a bit wiser than the rest, began to realize what had hap pened. She turned to the mission ary with tears running down her cheeks, "Do you mean to tell me that I as a woman am really learn ing to read? I am not just an ani mal anymore?" When I heard that, I said once again, "Thank God for the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ!" The Gospel of Christ is also changing society. In some conti nents today there is a tremendous social revolution going on. Chris tians are multiplying the fastest in many territories. The concern of the evangelist has been with con version rather than social and eco nomic problems. When men and women come to Christ they begin to drink less and to work more. Their children go to school and the family unit is greatly strength ened. These are evidences of the life-transforming power of Christ upon society. Yes, wherever the message of the risen Christ has gone, it has had a forceful impact upon men and nations. The sacredness of mar riage has been set forth; women's rights have been acknowledged; institutions of higher learning have been established; child labor laws have been enacted; and in time slavery has been abolished. A mul titude of other changes have been made for the good of mankind, too. All of these are facts of history. Page 11
in common by men and that the children be cared for by the gov ernment. Women were taken as slaves or traded as temple prosti tutes in the name of religion. There are still countries in some societies where women walk duti fully behind their husband. When travelling they may carry burdens on their heads while their hus bands ride the family donkey or camel. Women are often taught absolute obedience to their hus bands in the hope that they might be reborn as a man. Only within the past century in the Indo-Pakis- tan sub-continent has the custom of widow burning been outlawed. Previously there were times when a man who died had his body cre mated. His widow was tied to the funeral pyre and burned along with him. This was so that she might precede or accompany him in the next life. Christianity revealed the light of the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Sometime ago, in North Africa, a missionary woman was attempt ing to teach village women to read. None of them could even read their own name. Presenting the idea they were less than enthusias tic. They felt it would be impos sible since they were women. So, the missionary taught them a game. She bent over and in the soil wrote out a letter of the Arabic alphabet. She challenged, "Can you do this?" The women all did the same. Then, she explained, "Every time you make that little picture know that this is its sound." And with this "game" she taught them the al phabet. She then made four or five of these letter pictures in a row as the eager women now followed her. "Let us say out loud what
The Gospel transformed the eternal status of countless men, women and young people who have become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Three brief testimonies which came to our Bible correspondence school office not long ago give evidence of that. One from a Muslim, a for mer priest of Islam, who wrote to tell us, "I was writing a book against Christianity and the Bible. In order to get materials I had to read the Bible. As I came to study it through your correspondence courses the Spirit of God got hold of me. To day, I look with shame at that man uscript and thank God that He has made me His son." A former Hindu in West Pakistan told us, "I have completed three Bible courses and have found joy and spiritual peace. Before study ing the Bible I was in touch with the communists and was about to join their party. Now I am con vinced that Christ is the only true way and that He is the Saviour from sin, because I know that He saved me." A nominal Christian young man, like people in America, was born into a believing home. He was a third generation descendant of a Christian family but he had no per sonal relationship with the Lord. He wrote, "I was born into a Chris tian home but for the last 14 years I never attended church. I was a school teacher and some of my students introduced me to Bible studies that were being studied. For the last year and a half I have been studying the Bible by these courses. I thought you would like to know that through these courses I have not only accepted Christ as my Saviour, but also I have dedi
cated my life to His service. I am writing this from the seminary where I am now studying, and thank you for the role that these courses had in my life." Once again, we thank God who transforms lives in a broken world. May we let God use us to influence lives for Christ in our part of the world as well. Lessons From the Younger Churches It was the Apostle Paul's prayer that we might have power "to com prehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God" (Ephesians 3:14- 19). I believe there are lessons we can learn from some of the younger churches which have come into being across the world in re cent years. The strength of these churches lies not so much in their programs, but in their Spirit-filled people. Here in America, we Chris tians have many conferences, com mittees and crusades. We are al ways looking for better methods. Sometimes we forget that God is more interested in better men and women. Not long ago in India, there was a young man in the 8th grade who hoped to become a Christian pas tor. Through circumstances he could not help, he had to leave school at that point. He could not go on for further training and real ized he would never be a pastor. Still he wanted to serve the Lord in the best manner possible. He took training as an apprentice to a tailor. After a year or so he was ready to go out into business for himself. He got married to a very lovely Christian girl who also wanted to
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serve Christ. The first thing they did was to borrow money for a sewing machine. It was necessary for business. It was not an elabor ate electric sewing machine, either, but one of the hand crank varie ties. Those remote villages have no electricity. The couple had a vision of something to do for Jesus Christ. They moved about 20 miles up the valley to a small town. There were no Christians there and, of course, there was no church. In the day time they made clothes in the make-shift tailor shop, and in the evening they gathered the neigh bors and friends together for Bible study. The people had never heard this before and were fascinated. During the daytime the wife op ened a school in which neighbor hood children could come and learn the rudiments of reading. By the means of pictures and flannel- graphs she taught the boys and girls about the life of Christ. Before long these little children were go ing home singing the songs of the Lord. After about 5 months of this, the man went back to the city from which he had come and asked the local pastor if he could please come out and arrange a baptism service. He reported that there were near ly 200 people who were ready to become Christians. The pastor was amazed. He knew there had not been any missionary in that area. The tailor gave his simple testi mony, and before long 150 were baptized. A church was then formed. A pastor was brought in to take over the work, and the young couple who had started the work heard Cod's call to another min istry. They picked up their little sewing machine and went on to
another village still 18 more miles away. The same process was started all over. Within four month's time he had to go back to the city to ask the pastor to come. Another 100 people were ready to become Christians. The couple moved three times to different communities, starting churches and seeing more than 600 people come to Christ! The strength of the church lies not in its program but in its Spirit-filled people. How important to see faith vis ible in action. A Hindu woman came to Christ in our part of the world through the witness of a friend. Her husband did not join her in the faith and her children were not Christians. They all fre quently gave her difficulty. She was asked, “When your husband is an gry and hits you, what do you do?" With a smile she replied, “Well, for one thing, I try to cook his food a little bit better than I ever did before. When he complains, I get to work and clean up the house and sweep the floor. I just try to make it the best possible home I can. When he speaks unkindly to me and even harshly, I never an swer him that way. I try to do it mildly and in love. I want him to know that when l became a Chris tian, I became a better woman and mother as well." Although her hus band had long resisted the preach ing of the local minister, he could not argue about the practical preaching of his wife. He, too, gave his heart to God. He had seen faith at work in the life of a believer. These younger churches can also teach us the lesson of forgiveness and a love for enemies who mis use us. Wherever God is working there may also be opposition. In Page 13
they had no place for Christians to meet. They had been assemblying in a home but now there were too many. They needed to build a church yet they could not afford the property needed'for the struc ture. One of the elders stood up in a meeting and said, "You know, I am pretty old now and I do not expect to be alive much longer. I was thinking the other day that I do not need this big house and lot. You take them." When the young er men heard this, they said, "If he is willing to give his house and lot, don't you think we ought to be willing to build him a house?" They all agreed. The next day a little one-room house was being erected on the back of the lot. Within a week they finished it and were tearing down the former house. Within a month they had a church built on that land. It was the first church in the city that had ever seen Christians worship be fore. It all happened because a man was willing to give. When I was in Korea recently, I was told how a man took the sav ings out of his bank and gave it to the church so that they could build a place to worship. There was not enough money to finish the roof and the rains were coming. One day the Korean elder went to the Christian mission hospital and asked the doctor if he could sell one of his eyes for $25.00. He ex plained his need for more money to give to the church. He wept when the doctor talked him out of selling his eyes. He protested, "But I do not have anything else to give." Out of little, these people have given much. In contrast, out of much we have frequently given very little. We give
Indonesia there were some places where Christian literature was dis tributed. Those who did not like it came along and took it to be burned. In one place where this happened, the wind carried the flaming pages of Scripture up into the air and down on a bamboo roof of the mosque of the local prayer house. It was set on fire and burned to the ground. The people thought it was the judgment of Cod upon them for burning a Holy Book. The whole atmosphere of the village changed. In another village, however, Christians were definitely not wel comed. They built their own church for the first time. After the service one night and they had all gone home, someone called out to say that the church was on fire. The believers came running with buck ets of water but it was too late. The flimsy structure burned quick ly. They did not get angry and go out after the guilty people. In stead, they joined hands around the burning embers singing the doxology and praying for the peo ple responsible. When those who were guilty saw what had been done, their hearts melted as they observed the love of God in action. More of the village people came to find out about the Christian mes sage. They realized that here was faith which teaches that people ought to love those who despise them, and to pray for their ene mies. The strength of the church is measured in every land in terms of the vitality of Christian people and their love for one another. The de pendence must be upon the Word of God and prayer. I think of a community out in India where
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Music faculty members Ray Lutke (I.) and Jack Schwarz (r. foreground) participated with students in recent music seminar.
is fascinating to see the reality of prayer around the world. Unquestionably, one of the great examples of a praying church is to be found in the land of Korea. Here are some of the strongest and fastest growing churches in Asia. The ranks of Christians have dou bled in membership every decade since 1904. By the grace of God we expect to double again from 1970 to 1980. Here is a church that was born in difficulty and great struggle. When the Gospel went to Korea there was a very poor reception. The first missionary was killed the day he arrived. He went ashore with an armload of Chinese Bibles and was clubbed to death before he could get on the land. Back home in England a leader of the Bible society observed with admir ation his zeal and devotion, but regretted that he had attempted a work among a people so unprom ising. These Koreans were not un promising to God. Page 15
God just the leftovers. It is not how much we have but how well we give. You see, the strength of the church lies not in its material pos sessions, but in its spiritual life. There are real lessons in faith that we can learn from the younger churches. Remember, Christ gave everything to us. God so loved the world that He gave the very best He had. How much do you love? How much have you given that others might know God as you know Him? How much more can you do and when will you begin? Prayer Around the World Despite what some would tell you, the Church of Christ is today more broadly planted and deeply rooted among more people than ever before. Christians are praying in every major language of the earth. No matter how many lan guages a person knows, there are two things he will do in his mother tongue. The first is to pray and the other is to count his money. It
Today, in the capital city of Seoul you will find nearly a thousand churches. One of them has more than 9000 members. It has grown in the last 25 years from less than 20 members. These churches are built on the Word of God with great emphasis placed on prayer. It is customary in Korean churches to hold early morning prayer meetings everyday. Not everyone comes, but a great many do on their way to work. They come at 4:30 in the morning on summer days and 5:30 during the winter months. A pastor from California was vis iting the area and asked one of the Korean pastors, "I hear that you Christians are a great praying peo ple. How many do you have out at your prayer meeting?" The Korean replied humbly, "150 and some times 200." The minister from America observed, "Well, that is not so great. I have nearly that many in my prayer meeting in San Francisco every Wednesday night." The Korean minister was surprised, "Oh, you mean Wednesday night prayer meeting? I thought you were asking about our 4:30 in the morn ing daily prayer meeting. On Wed nesday night we probably have 1,200 people." The pastor from the States was somewhat embarrassed and properly humbled. We have lessons to learn from the Korean church. In Pakistan, where I have spent much of the last 16 years, there lived a young boy brought up in a Hindu family. His mother in the evenings would read him stories of the gods and goddessses of Hindu ism. When he was 17 years old his mother asked if he would like to go on a pilgrimage to the Hindu
holy temples. He was delighted. He travelled for many months with his mother, bathing in the Ganges, vis iting holy temples, pouring holy water for offerings before the gods. Yet, he never found the satisfac tion for which his soul was seeking. As he travelled from one place to another he was overwhelmed by a great emptiness. His mother real ized this and confessed, "I feel so empty, too!" Through the various pilgrimages she was seeking the peace that could bring her content ment. His mother did not live much longer. She was in the evening of her life and passed away in about a year. Still, this young man con tinued to search for peace of heart. Hinduism offered him a million lives in which to work out his own salvation. Still, there was no peace for now. He studied Buddhism on ly to find that it was an atheistic philosophy in which there is no hope of communion with God. He turned to Islam and discovered a belief in salvation by works. The only hope it offered was that if, at the end of his life, his good deeds weighed heavier than his bad deeds, he might merit heaven. He had not met any Christians up to that time. Then he was introduced to a young man who was a Christian. They became good friends. This young man had eye trouble. The doctor told him he would have to operate in an effort to restore his sight, preventing the loss of vision. His Hindu friend came to visit him in the hospital. The night before the operation he found the Chris tian somewhat concerned. He tes tified, "You know, the operation may not be successful. I may lose
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youth came back early to the hos pital. He wanted to be there be fore the surgery took place. There was a Scottish doctor who was to have performed the operation. First of all he applied an instrument to the eye to measure the tension. It was found to be greatly reduced. Thinking that there was something wrong he sent for another instru ment. It showed the same situa tion. The doctor turned to the Hin du friend and asked, "What did this young man put in his eyes last night? Did he use any drops or medicine? When I examined him before the tension was so high in his eye that I decided we must op erate immediately to save his sight. Now the tension seems almost gone." When the young Hindu boy heard that, he knew God was real and that He answers prayer. He testified to the doctor about how the night before they had been praying concerning the problem. He said the two of them had been conscious of the presence of God. The doctor dismissed the report with a sneer. "Miracles are not for today," he observed. "Can you tell me this, were there any tears shed while you were praying?" The young Hindu continued, "Yes, there were some. We were con scious of our own sinfulness before a Holy God. The Lord was very close to us." The physician de cided that somehow the tears had reduced the tension of the eye. He concluded, "I am not going to op erate just now." The amazing thing is that the tension never returned. Gradually the blindness was cleared up. Both of them knew that God hears and answers prayer. Today, the Chris- Page 17
all of my vision. That would be aw ful because then I could never read the Bible again. I am wondering, would you read the Bible to me tonight?" So, the Hindu boy took the Word of God in his hands. As he opened it, it fell open to the well-worn pages of John, chapter 14. He was amazed to read the claims of Christ set forth there. He read Jesus' words, "I am the way, the truth and the life." Not one way out of many, but THE WAY. Again, he saw, "He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father. I am in the Father and the Father in me." He came to the promise, "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." This was all new to the Hindu and seemed so amazing. He turned to his Christian friend in the hospital bed and said, "You know this Jesus of yours makes tremendous claims. Why don't we ask Him about your eyes?" So he knelt there by the bed with his Hindu friend and they prayed for a long time. Late into the evening they were there. They were not only praying about his eyes, but about his spir itual needs. That night, for the first time, the Hindu boy became con scious of the reality of God. The hour was late and he had to leave the hospital. He grasped his friend's hand and assured him, "When you return from this hospital with your sight, then I will follow Jesus." The Christian boy wondered what he meant. "Do you think I will ever see again," he wondered. "Yes," assured the Hindu. "I believe that Cod has given me spiritual vision tonight and I believe that He is going to give you your sight as well." The next morning, the Hindu
that, "If God gives you the privi lege of being a missionary we will stand behind you with your educa tion and help support you in this great ministry." "Some years ago, in Southern California, there was a young boy who had to borrow money to go to college. He finished that and then went to seminary preparing for the Lord's work. While he was there, unknown to him, his father and mother back on the farm spent a full night in prayer. They had two sons and they said, "Lord, don't let our boys waste their lives. We want you to take our sons and use them for your glory." Two weeks later, those elderly parents received let ters from each of their boys on the same day. The older son in semin ary said, "Mom and Dad, I want you to know that God has called me to be a missionary in Asia." The younger lad, who was away at college, wrote to say, "I know the Lord is calling me to preach the Gospel someplace." The impact of a praying home is felt upon the children and it will be felt ulti mately around the world.
tian young man and the former Hindu, are ministers of the Gos pel. This Hindu boy went on to translate the Old Testament into his mother tongue, one of the ma jor languages of Pakistan. Eventu ally, he became the leading evan gelist of the country. Today, he is working across Southeast Asia. It all happened because two young men prayed, believing God and ex pecting results, and God answered. Let us, too, attempt great things for God and expect great things from God. God is not only at work abroad. He also wants to work for us here in America. Praying begins at home. As missionaries, our hands have been strengthened through prayer. Such is a mighty force if we use it faithfully. Pray for your sons and daughters, as well as for the young people of your church, that they will grow up to take their place in the world mission of the church. There are too few Christian homes in which children grow up hearing the parents pray for the worldwide outreach of the Gospel. There are too few homes in which parents conscientiously tell their children
Warren Webster is the General Director of Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society
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Dr. Charles L. Feinberg
Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland
Dr. J. Richard Chase
Q. Berkeley, Calif. "Are Acts 1:8 and 2:4 for us today?" A. We believe absolutely that Acts 1:8 is for us today. This speaks of the victorious power available in witnessing for the Lord. It comes in the form of a command to preach the Gospel (I Corinthians 15:1-5). Acts 2:4 on the other hand, has to do with a particular event. It oc curred on the day of Pentecost (2:1). Up to that particular point the Holy Ghost had not been giv en. He is promised in Acts 1:8. In order that the event might be un derstood by all the nations and tongues represented at that time, God gave this miraculous supernat ural gift. We do not know whether it was a matter of the Holy Spirit speaking in various tongues or in terpreting in various tongues. In any case the important message was understood by all. The true tongues movement would make it necessary for languages to be used which could be understood by oth ers. Paul says that even though he spoke with other tongues he would
rather speak 10,000 words in a known tongue so that people could understand and the Lord be glori fied. Q. Hollister, Calif. "Regarding Pen tecost, I know that the general opinion is that the apostles spoke in different languages. However, the Bible mentions only Peter as having spoken at that time. I con clude that since Peter was the on ly one who spoke, every man heard Peter speak in the language of the listener." A. Keep in mind again that Acts 1:8 is the broad plan while 2:4 is the specific occasion. This is some times known as the birthday of the Church. Acts 1:8 gives us the actual procedure for the book. It shows God's program for this age until the Church is completed and trans lated. The Church only required one spiritual birth which was on the day of Pentecost. It needs no further birthday. We see a rise of speaking in tongues today. It is known in some circles as the char- Page 19
ismatic movement. Some of the things taught as scriptural evidence are quite far from the truth. We find more in John about the coming of the Holy Spirit than in any other of the three gospels. He stated how that the Holy Spirit would not speak of Himself but rather would point to and glorify the Lord. The so-called charismatic movement seeks to put the focus on the Holy Spirit. This is not His purpose at all. Let us be Biblical and follow the teaching of Scrip ture in the proper context at this time (I Corinthians 12:13). There seems to be two basic principals in this whole area that we want to keep firmly in mind and they come right from the 12th Chapter of I Corinthians. One is that we cannot violate the concept of diversity of gifts regardless of the difference we may have with others. The second principal is that we cannot violate the concept of unity (I Corinthians 12:8-10). There are different gifts given to different individuals. Paul says that the body is not one member, but many. The Holy Spirit guides us as Christians. He first woos and wins individuals to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and then He leads us to glorify the Saviour in our hearts and lives. Q. "In Luke 19:8 is it correct that the Greek verbs for 'give' and 're store' denote what Zacchaeus was doing? Had he always done this?” A. No, these verbs could not pos sibly mean that. The word "restore" in itself means to give back some thing that belongs elsewhere. Tax collectors were public servants. The Roman government apportioned the land, expecting a certain
amount of taxes for each area. The one who gathered in the funds most usually got a good fat sum for himself before he turned over the minimal amount to the Rom ans. Generally, such collectors were despised by the layman who knew them for what they were. Zaccaeus was rich and was not living an ex emplary life (vs. 7). He was evi- dentally a notorious fellow. Here was a man who knew he had done wrong. Immediately he revealed the contrite heart of a believer who wants to make things right. This shows the power of salvation. Q. Rumford, R.I. "When I was young, I read somewhere in my Bible that the summer will over take the winter. Now I am old and I cannot find that portion. Could you help me locate it?" A. Those exact words are not in Scripture. There is a passage in the Old Testament you might have in mind. It is Amos 9:13. This proph ecy is not foretold concerning the last days of this dispensation, but refers to the experiences which will take place in the millennium when the Lord comes back to set up His earthly reign. Q. Lomita, Calif. "/ know you have answered it before, but could you give me help in understanding He brews 6:4?" A. There has been some confusion on this passage where people have tried to make it read that once a person is saved he can again be lost through sin. Yet, these same people teach that one can be saved again. If we were to take their in terpretation applied to this verse there would be real trouble. This passage says it is impossible for
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those who were once enlightened to be restored. The fact is these were individuals who were merely professors. They never possessed the gift of eternal life. Like many church goers today, they are only "partakers." Hebrews is an open letter to the Jews. Then, as it is today, there is a very small nu cleus of actual born-again believ ers. At the same time there are countless more who know of the Christian faith. Mentally they may even be fairly well patient and tol erant of it. The largest group, how ever, are those who make no pro fession at all. The sacred writer of Hebrews is addressing this middle group. They are not saved, but have only had an acquaintance with the truth. Keep in mind that the warnings in the New Testament are never a hardship to believers. These people were right on the threshhold of salvation but had not crossed over to the possession and assurance of eternal life. Verse 9 indidicates this to be the case.
Q. Everett, Wash. / would like some help on I Thessalonians5:18." A. This is a wonderful exhortation which reminds us, "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." We find a similar suggestion in Ephesians 5:20. Thank God, when we come to the place in our spiritual lives when we can apply these verses, as well as others such as Romans 8:28, to all our experi ences, we can enjoy the love of God that passeth all understand ing. Our faith is solid and secure. Adversity can cause one to turn to God as in no other experience of life. Here, too, we can realize that all things are working together for good. All things are not working together for good to those who are outside of Jesus Christ. All things are leading to their condemnation and to their ultimate damnation. Q. Concord, Calif. "What Is your explanation for Hebrews 5:4-61" A. The Holy Spirit is showing the vast superiority of the Messianic
Howard Pepper on the switchboard in South Hall.
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faith, known as Christianity, over the incomplete revelation of the Old Testament. In other words, Christianity is superior to Judaism. This is because the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is higher than the an gels through whom the whole Old Testament came with the Mosaic Law. He is higher not only than angels, He is higher than Moses, Aaron and any of the priesthood. Christ was actually authorized in a priestly ministry by God the Fath er. How wonderful the humility of the second Person of the Trinity. He did not lay hold on an office so marvelous as the high priestly one (Philippians 2:5-11). Q. Nampa, Ida. "Please explain Psalm 103:3. Jesus forgives our sins, but what about our diseases? They are certainly not all healed ; at least mine is not. Is one prom ise not as good as another?" A. This is a psalm of praise written by David, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He declares, "Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name__ Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." The forgiveness of iniquities has to do with our eternal relationship to the Lord through faith in His atoning work on Calvary's cross. The heal ing of all our diseases has more than the physical aspect in view. The word for "heal" means the same as pardon or redemption. The Bible does not teach divine heal ing on a wholesale basis. It must always be according to the will of our infinite and loving heavenly Father. He does heal our diseases when it is in accordance with His perfect will. He satisfies and crowns us with His blessings as we con
tinue to look to Him for every need and experience of life. Q. Concord, Calif. "Would you please explain I John 5:16 and 17?" A. There are three focal points around which this epistle revolves. The three key words are light, love and faith. The revelation, however, reveals that faith is the dominating principal. In the 5th chapter we find a number of wonderful assur ances concerning answered prayer. Then, coming to the question we find that Scripture makes a differ ence between the various sins of a believer. The context speaks en tirely about born-again Christians. The Apostle properly reminds us that "all unrighteousness is sin." Sin is basically any lack of conform ity to the character or to the will of God. This passage indicates that there is a "sin unto death" and a "sin which is not unto death." Since we have been saved each of us have sinned many times. Such iniquity has obviously not been unto death because we did not die immediately after the transgres sion. Looking at the book of Acts we see that Ananias and Sapphira died because of their lying to the Holy Spirit. A sin unto death means that an individual has gone so con trary to the known will of God, that he physically dies . His soul goes to heaven, since he is saved. We are not to make a judgment of others as to who may have com mitted such a sin. This is a matter placed in the Lord's hands. Q. Kansas City, Mo. "/ wish you could help me with Matthew 9:12 and the phrase 'they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.' Who are the 'they' re ferred to?"
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A. As in any biblical interpretation the context must be considered. The Pharisees and scribes had come to scoff at the Saviour's words. They considered themselves to be beyond any need. They did not feel they were sinners in the ordinary sense of the word. Since they had spurned the Lord He went to those who knew they had a great need. This is why Christ ministered to the publicans and sinners. Remem ber, Jesus will not force Himself upon anyone! Scripture warns us not to cast our pearls before swine. If people refuse to recognize sin in their own lives there is very little we can say. For those who are op en and who realize their spiritual needs there is hope and anticipa tion for salvation. Q. Spokane, Wash. " Could you p lease exp la in Deu teronom y 16:17?" A. Again, in any interpretation of the Word, the context must be studied. Here Cod is telling Israel that there are to be three pilgrim age feasts before the Lord in the place of His choosing. The Saviour Himself, as an Israelite, went to Jerusalem to fulfill the law. It states that the people shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed. Ev ery man was to give as he was able. This is a lesson for us, too. Our churches should not find us wor shipping on the Lord's Day with out something in our hands, ac cording as Cod has given to us. The New Testament equivalent is found in II Corinthians 8. Q. Nampa, Ida. "Please comment on the phrase, 'We are our own worst enemies'." A. This is frequently used and there
is scriptural proof for this very idea. In Jeremiah 17:9-12 we read that "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" The issues of life spring from the heart. We act accordingly. "The heart" does not mean the physical organ of the body but rather our entire being including our will and mind. This is the reason why sometimes we are our own worst enemies. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. "In Isaiah 9:6 we read of the various titles or names of the Saviour. Can you tell mg what they mean?" A. This is a tremendous verse. Con sider the phrase, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is giv en." A child was born on that Christmas day to the virgin Mary. At the same time Cod gave to this world His Son. This is the very thing that lost humanity needs. "Wonderful" is an interesting and descriptive title. We use it in an absolute sense because there can be nothing more wonderful. In every aspect of Christ's life, His birth, His death, His resurrection, His intercession, and His coming again is to be called "Wonderful." He is also known as "Counsel lor." In some countries a counsel lor is an attorney. Here the thought is one who is an advisor. How much is being emphasized these days on all types of counselling. It is avail able for everyone in every area of life. Verse 11 of this chapter gives our Lord's credentials for this title. He has both the spirit of counsel to advise as well as might to carry it out. If you follow the counselling of our Lord Jesus, He will give you the wisdom and guidance you need. You will never make a mistake go- Page 23
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