The Gospel transformed the eternal status of countless men, women and young people who have become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Three brief testimonies which came to our Bible correspondence school office not long ago give evidence of that. One from a Muslim, a for mer priest of Islam, who wrote to tell us, "I was writing a book against Christianity and the Bible. In order to get materials I had to read the Bible. As I came to study it through your correspondence courses the Spirit of God got hold of me. To day, I look with shame at that man uscript and thank God that He has made me His son." A former Hindu in West Pakistan told us, "I have completed three Bible courses and have found joy and spiritual peace. Before study ing the Bible I was in touch with the communists and was about to join their party. Now I am con vinced that Christ is the only true way and that He is the Saviour from sin, because I know that He saved me." A nominal Christian young man, like people in America, was born into a believing home. He was a third generation descendant of a Christian family but he had no per sonal relationship with the Lord. He wrote, "I was born into a Chris tian home but for the last 14 years I never attended church. I was a school teacher and some of my students introduced me to Bible studies that were being studied. For the last year and a half I have been studying the Bible by these courses. I thought you would like to know that through these courses I have not only accepted Christ as my Saviour, but also I have dedi
cated my life to His service. I am writing this from the seminary where I am now studying, and thank you for the role that these courses had in my life." Once again, we thank God who transforms lives in a broken world. May we let God use us to influence lives for Christ in our part of the world as well. Lessons From the Younger Churches It was the Apostle Paul's prayer that we might have power "to com prehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God" (Ephesians 3:14- 19). I believe there are lessons we can learn from some of the younger churches which have come into being across the world in re cent years. The strength of these churches lies not so much in their programs, but in their Spirit-filled people. Here in America, we Chris tians have many conferences, com mittees and crusades. We are al ways looking for better methods. Sometimes we forget that God is more interested in better men and women. Not long ago in India, there was a young man in the 8th grade who hoped to become a Christian pas tor. Through circumstances he could not help, he had to leave school at that point. He could not go on for further training and real ized he would never be a pastor. Still he wanted to serve the Lord in the best manner possible. He took training as an apprentice to a tailor. After a year or so he was ready to go out into business for himself. He got married to a very lovely Christian girl who also wanted to
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