Biola Broadcaster, 1972-01

youth came back early to the hos­ pital. He wanted to be there be­ fore the surgery took place. There was a Scottish doctor who was to have performed the operation. First of all he applied an instrument to the eye to measure the tension. It was found to be greatly reduced. Thinking that there was something wrong he sent for another instru­ ment. It showed the same situa­ tion. The doctor turned to the Hin­ du friend and asked, "What did this young man put in his eyes last night? Did he use any drops or medicine? When I examined him before the tension was so high in his eye that I decided we must op­ erate immediately to save his sight. Now the tension seems almost gone." When the young Hindu boy heard that, he knew God was real and that He answers prayer. He testified to the doctor about how the night before they had been praying concerning the problem. He said the two of them had been conscious of the presence of God. The doctor dismissed the report with a sneer. "Miracles are not for today," he observed. "Can you tell me this, were there any tears shed while you were praying?" The young Hindu continued, "Yes, there were some. We were con­ scious of our own sinfulness before a Holy God. The Lord was very close to us." The physician de­ cided that somehow the tears had reduced the tension of the eye. He concluded, "I am not going to op­ erate just now." The amazing thing is that the tension never returned. Gradually the blindness was cleared up. Both of them knew that God hears and answers prayer. Today, the Chris- Page 17

all of my vision. That would be aw­ ful because then I could never read the Bible again. I am wondering, would you read the Bible to me tonight?" So, the Hindu boy took the Word of God in his hands. As he opened it, it fell open to the well-worn pages of John, chapter 14. He was amazed to read the claims of Christ set forth there. He read Jesus' words, "I am the way, the truth and the life." Not one way out of many, but THE WAY. Again, he saw, "He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father. I am in the Father and the Father in me." He came to the promise, "If ye shall ask any­ thing in my name, I will do it." This was all new to the Hindu and seemed so amazing. He turned to his Christian friend in the hospital bed and said, "You know this Jesus of yours makes tremendous claims. Why don't we ask Him about your eyes?" So he knelt there by the bed with his Hindu friend and they prayed for a long time. Late into the evening they were there. They were not only praying about his eyes, but about his spir­ itual needs. That night, for the first time, the Hindu boy became con­ scious of the reality of God. The hour was late and he had to leave the hospital. He grasped his friend's hand and assured him, "When you return from this hospital with your sight, then I will follow Jesus." The Christian boy wondered what he meant. "Do you think I will ever see again," he wondered. "Yes," assured the Hindu. "I believe that Cod has given me spiritual vision tonight and I believe that He is going to give you your sight as well." The next morning, the Hindu

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