Biola Broadcaster, 1972-01

that, "If God gives you the privi­ lege of being a missionary we will stand behind you with your educa­ tion and help support you in this great ministry." "Some years ago, in Southern California, there was a young boy who had to borrow money to go to college. He finished that and then went to seminary preparing for the Lord's work. While he was there, unknown to him, his father and mother back on the farm spent a full night in prayer. They had two sons and they said, "Lord, don't let our boys waste their lives. We want you to take our sons and use them for your glory." Two weeks later, those elderly parents received let­ ters from each of their boys on the same day. The older son in semin­ ary said, "Mom and Dad, I want you to know that God has called me to be a missionary in Asia." The younger lad, who was away at college, wrote to say, "I know the Lord is calling me to preach the Gospel someplace." The impact of a praying home is felt upon the children and it will be felt ulti­ mately around the world.

tian young man and the former Hindu, are ministers of the Gos­ pel. This Hindu boy went on to translate the Old Testament into his mother tongue, one of the ma­ jor languages of Pakistan. Eventu­ ally, he became the leading evan­ gelist of the country. Today, he is working across Southeast Asia. It all happened because two young men prayed, believing God and ex­ pecting results, and God answered. Let us, too, attempt great things for God and expect great things from God. God is not only at work abroad. He also wants to work for us here in America. Praying begins at home. As missionaries, our hands have been strengthened through prayer. Such is a mighty force if we use it faithfully. Pray for your sons and daughters, as well as for the young people of your church, that they will grow up to take their place in the world mission of the church. There are too few Christian homes in which children grow up hearing the parents pray for the worldwide outreach of the Gospel. There are too few homes in which parents conscientiously tell their children

Warren Webster is the General Director of Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society

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