Dr. Charles L. Feinberg
Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland
Dr. J. Richard Chase
Q. Berkeley, Calif. "Are Acts 1:8 and 2:4 for us today?" A. We believe absolutely that Acts 1:8 is for us today. This speaks of the victorious power available in witnessing for the Lord. It comes in the form of a command to preach the Gospel (I Corinthians 15:1-5). Acts 2:4 on the other hand, has to do with a particular event. It oc curred on the day of Pentecost (2:1). Up to that particular point the Holy Ghost had not been giv en. He is promised in Acts 1:8. In order that the event might be un derstood by all the nations and tongues represented at that time, God gave this miraculous supernat ural gift. We do not know whether it was a matter of the Holy Spirit speaking in various tongues or in terpreting in various tongues. In any case the important message was understood by all. The true tongues movement would make it necessary for languages to be used which could be understood by oth ers. Paul says that even though he spoke with other tongues he would
rather speak 10,000 words in a known tongue so that people could understand and the Lord be glori fied. Q. Hollister, Calif. "Regarding Pen tecost, I know that the general opinion is that the apostles spoke in different languages. However, the Bible mentions only Peter as having spoken at that time. I con clude that since Peter was the on ly one who spoke, every man heard Peter speak in the language of the listener." A. Keep in mind again that Acts 1:8 is the broad plan while 2:4 is the specific occasion. This is some times known as the birthday of the Church. Acts 1:8 gives us the actual procedure for the book. It shows God's program for this age until the Church is completed and trans lated. The Church only required one spiritual birth which was on the day of Pentecost. It needs no further birthday. We see a rise of speaking in tongues today. It is known in some circles as the char- Page 19
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