Biola Broadcaster, 1972-01

those who were once enlightened to be restored. The fact is these were individuals who were merely professors. They never possessed the gift of eternal life. Like many church goers today, they are only "partakers." Hebrews is an open letter to the Jews. Then, as it is today, there is a very small nu­ cleus of actual born-again believ­ ers. At the same time there are countless more who know of the Christian faith. Mentally they may even be fairly well patient and tol­ erant of it. The largest group, how­ ever, are those who make no pro­ fession at all. The sacred writer of Hebrews is addressing this middle group. They are not saved, but have only had an acquaintance with the truth. Keep in mind that the warnings in the New Testament are never a hardship to believers. These people were right on the threshhold of salvation but had not crossed over to the possession and assurance of eternal life. Verse 9 indidicates this to be the case.

Q. Everett, Wash. / would like some help on I Thessalonians5:18." A. This is a wonderful exhortation which reminds us, "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." We find a similar suggestion in Ephesians 5:20. Thank God, when we come to the place in our spiritual lives when we can apply these verses, as well as others such as Romans 8:28, to all our experi­ ences, we can enjoy the love of God that passeth all understand­ ing. Our faith is solid and secure. Adversity can cause one to turn to God as in no other experience of life. Here, too, we can realize that all things are working together for good. All things are not working together for good to those who are outside of Jesus Christ. All things are leading to their condemnation and to their ultimate damnation. Q. Concord, Calif. "What Is your explanation for Hebrews 5:4-61" A. The Holy Spirit is showing the vast superiority of the Messianic

Howard Pepper on the switchboard in South Hall.

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