unless we straighten things out with God, the sin is still there. Q. (Anonymous Listener). "What happens to a Christian when he dies? Where does he go? What about Old Testament saints (Acts 2:34)? In the light of this verse, where is David now?" A. The quotation in part is, "for David is not ascended into the heavens." It is not that the Psalm ist is not among those who are saved. The point is Peter is preach ing as to how the Spirit of God spoke before hand about the res urrection of Christ. The soul is not to be left in Hades. God raised Christ's body before corruption ev er laid hold of it. Such cannot be said of David. He did not ascend into heaven the way our Lord Jesus did. Christ is not just on the right hand of the Father in Spirit only. He is there with His glorified hu man body. Where is David today? His body without question was dissolved into the earth. His soul is with the Lord. David has not yet experienced resurrection. Being an Old Testament saint this will hap pen in the later times, after the Church has been translated. Q. Campbell, Calif. "What is pre destination? Have those who be long to Christ's body been selected before hand? If so, why does Cod choose some and not others?" A. God shows no favoritism. The Scriptures are very explicit in that the Lord is not willing that any should perish. On a subject such as predestination, we must be care ful not to over simplify. The entire subject refers to God's choice of lost sinners to be a part of the Body of Christ and heirs of eternal life (Ephesians 1:4). As to why
Q. Escondido, Calif. "What is wor ship?" A. Worship is perhaps the most important aspect of our Christian lives in fellowship with the Lord. We find this portrayed throughout the Bible in such areas as the tab ernacle and the various aspects of its purpose and use. A good scrip tural answer to your question can be found in Colossians 2:20-23. The human will, not the ritual, is the all-important matter. It must be on a spiritual plain. The religions of the world seek their strength in a show of works of the flesh. Such cannot honor God at all. Follow the Guidebook. The Bible will not leave you in midstream as to the matter of worship. It will show you that as a believer once trusting the Saviour, you worship God, through Christ in the power of the blessed Holy Spirit. Q. Fallbrook, Calif. "In Psalm 51:4, why did David say to the Lord, 'Against thee, thee only, have I sinned?' Obviously he had sinned against many human beings such as Uriah, Bathsheba, the unborn- innocent child, as well as the en tire nation of Israel." A. Psalm 51 is the great penitential portion of Scripture. It has been a source of comfort to individuals, sorry for their sins, down through the ages. It is a source of rich com fort to the one who really wants to make a heart confession before the Lord. This verse you have giv en is emminently correct, for bas ically all sin is essentially against God. It is always the Lord who must be taken into account, in the final analysis, for all of our acts and deeds. Even though one may straighten things out with the per son or persons who were wronged,
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