some are chosen we find from Ephesians 1:4 and 5 and it is all done in love. Some people seem to have the mistaken idea that if the Lord were not doing the selection and indi viduals were left to choose them selves more would be saved. This is just the opposite of what the Bible indicates. If it were not for the electing predestinating grace of God no one would choose to trust Christ. Frequently we hear the argument, "What is the use of preaching the Gospel when God already knows who will be saved?" The fact is, we do not know who the elect are. They are drawn out by grace as salvation by faith is proclaimed. Our business is to pre sent the message in love, with clar ity and emphasis, to all men. That is our marvelous privilege. Q. Concord, Calif. "I am only par tially sighted. Recently, my large print Bible has become too diffi cult for me to read. My son and husband have been reading to me. I was contented until I was told that unless I read the Bible by my self and for myself the Lord would not bless my life. I do not see what difference it makes as long as I get it read and have my own prayers. Could you please comment?'' A. It is very unfortunate that some one has so misled you. Their com ments are not only erroneous but also cruel! Such logic would con demn blind people to hell unless they know Braille. Then, too, little children do not read the Bible for themselves. Such reasoning is ab solutely falacious. Q. Vancouver, Brit. Col., Can. ''Is it necessary for a Christian woman to cover her head with a hat or some
thing else when she prays? Should a woman refrain from praying aud ibly when men are present? Also, please explain I Corinthians 11:15." A. Paul's first letter to the Corin thians deals with the Gospel in its social aspects lived out in the Chris tian community. He must first real ize that this book deals with eter nal principals as well as with truths applied to the day and age in which they were given. As an example, the covering of a woman's head with a hat shows that in that day it was considered quite fitting and proper for such action. Some groups today still hold to this view which is not to be something of contention. Primarily our Christian faith is the matter of the heart. The Lord Jesus showed that even in the Sermon on the Mount. He pointed out for instance that one does not have to do the physical act of adul tery to be guilty of the sin. Just to look after another woman with a lustful intent is the same as the deed. The Bible cuts away all these outward things (I Corinthians 11:16). There is not to be arguing or disputing on matters that do not concern on our eternal salvation. Remember, too, the Spirit of Cod is not giving directions as to what a woman does when she is in her own home. As to the subject of hair in I Corinthians 11:15 a wo man should always have her hair fixed in such a manner that one does not have to think twice as to what sex to which she belongs. Long hair, properly cared for, is always a joy and glory to a woman. This does not mean that we force others to have their styles in keep ing with our tastes. It is the inner adornment of the heart that is most important (I Peter 3:4). Page 29
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