Biola Broadcaster, 1972-01

o f God


In Christian work when we want to project an image that is differ­ ent we are usually perverse rather than creative. Because we are in­ capable of true originality we can do one of only two things, we either do the opposite to the tra­ ditional way, or else we copy some­ one else who did the opposite and so copy a new tradition. If we are organizing a meeting we think that to arrange chairs in a circle, sit down for hymns and begin with the benediction is excitingly new! Let us consider the characteris­ tics of the Creator's own work in Genesis 1. Firstly, it was absolutely brand new, nothing like this had been done before. Its only previ­

ous existence was as a plan in the mind of God. Paul reminds us that we Fiave the mind of Christ (I Cor­ inthians 2:16); why not let Him do the thinking and the planning to­ day? Think how much shorter and more fun church committee meet­ ings would become! Secondly it would have been ut­ terly impossible even for modern technology to create something out of nothing, but in the mighty ener­ gy of an Almighty God putting theory into action was just routine! Paul says what an adventure it is to do God's impossible work in God's own limitless strength (Col- ossians 1:29). How often do we limit "Christian" work whether in Page 45

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