Biola Broadcaster, 1972-01

Christian family members? Some are quick to state that Christians should never argue. The dictionary defines an argument as "a reason or reasons offered in proof. A dis­ course designed to convince or persuade." Arguments or "creative discussions" are necessary. But what about quarreling? A quarrel is an angry, discordant dispute. It is verbal strife followed by strained or severed relations. Again the Scripture has something to say to

fore he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." What are the implications of this verse? Think about it. 4. Our speech should promote harmony, peace and the upbuild­ ing of one another. The cause of Jesus Christ has been and is being hindered today by unchristian at­ titudes that are manifested in communication between believers. What about arguments and quar­ rels between believers or even

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