turned to Nepal had found Christ in India. Despite the ruling these brave people shared the good things of the Saviour. Others be lieved and came by faith, accept ing Christ. They were baptized in the rivers publicly. Some were ar rested for their faith and stand. Imprisonment for six years fol lowed for those convicted of trying to change someone's religion. Last summer when I was there I learned that these men had been released. The reason was that in jail they witnessed to so many people and saw so many lives changed that the jailers wanted to get rid of them. Also, when the king of Ne pal was here in America in 1968, he received a Gideon Bible in his ho tel room. He asked if he could take it with him. We believe something from that Book had a divine im pact on his heart. Today, as a re sult, there are at least 30 groups of believers in various parts of Nepal along with a Bible correspondence school and men working on trans lating the Word of God. Think of it; in a land where there were no Chris tians 19 years ago. God is at work! Page 7
into their language around 1950. We know it has reached influential people there. The leader of Tibet, the Dali Llama, who is both king and the religious head, when he fled to India being pursued by the communists, upon his arrival asked for a Tibetan Bible. He told how he had been reading it back in his own country. He had to leave it behind as he escaped and wanted to finish it to see if the things writ ten and predicted in the first part of the Book were fulfilled in the second part. (Please put him on your prayer list.) It is a thrilling story to see how God is working among these people. Last summer I traveled through Nepal which was another one of these closed lands until 1952. Few er than 55 Westerners had ever entered the country. The palace revolution changed the situation. The government invited in people from other lands to help build their nation. There was religious free dom to the extent that one could worship in any form, although there was no freedom to share one's faith. Some of the people who re
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