THE KI NG ' S BUS I NE S S 641 “ There is a religious communion which venerates and worships a type of woman—The Blessed Virgin. It delights me to consider her the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God incarnate upon the earth. I do not myself happen to be a communicant of that great church; but I hope I shall be violating none of the proprieties, when I say that the feelings of those com municants from the divine standpoint have appealed to me from the human standpoint. * * She, the typical mother of all time, has glorified and beauti fied and made sacred motherhood in all the ages. But particularly has she made sacred that motherhood, which for a cause, in which the son believes,, has been ready and willing that the son should give up his life, his fortune and his sacred honor to the accomplishment of his noble ideal.” (Address at Convention of War Mothers.) The editor says that Mr. Marshall understands the Catholic principle. It seems strange that Mr. Marshall, who is supposed to be a man set for the defense of the true Gospel, should be dishing out soft soap of this kind to the Romanists, and especially in view of the fact that the Roman church has such a strangle hold upon our government. Perhaps he has not been correctly quoted. No doubt the Roman influence is so powerful that it compels the homage of many of those in authority, but surely those who believe in the Bible, ought to stand up for their convictions or at least refrain from giving the Romanists encouragement. In England, Wm. E. Gladstone pointed out that the Roman church had entered upon a new and dangerous policy, namely an attempt to gain con trol of all the civil governments of the world, a power it had exercised dur ing the dark ages; and as a means to the desired end the Vatican council had asserted an enlarged power of the pope over his subjects in every land, com manding them to obey him whenever he should claim to exercise civil power. In America, Abraham Lincoln said: “ I do not pretend to be a prophet, but I see a very dark cloud on our horizon, and that cloud is coming from Rome. It is filled with tears and blood. The true motive power is secreted behind the walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents and the nuns and the confessional boxes of Rome.” The man who shot Lincoln was a Catholic. The man who shot Roose velt was a Catholic. The man who shot McKinley was a Catholic. The man who shot Garfield was a Catholic. Isn’t it about time the Protestant voters of this country did a little meditating on the words of Gladstone and Lincoln? —K. L. B. ^>
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