Marriage and Divorce
As Taught by Christ
What Does the Marriage Relationship Mean in the Light of Scripture? And How Can it be Broken? Bj> DR. A . C. DIXON Bible Institute of Los Angeles
woman by divine institution and divine act, joining them in a relation closer and more binding than the relation between parent and child, SO UNIFIES HUSBAND AND WIFE THAT THEY CEASE TO BE TWO AND BECOME ONE FLESH. Jesus declares that they are no more two but one flesh. (Matt. 19:6). I do not know all that this means, but it plainly teaches the duality of husband and wife, and makes this duality the unit of home life, treating husband and wife never as individuals but as one. The duality of husband and wife makes a living or ganism, of which Paul says the husband is the head and the wife is the body. T o1 unmarry them is to destroy this living organism; and that is murder. The word “asunder” is very suggestive. Some early Christians were “sawn asuhder” and that is the kind of work the divorce courts are doing. They are sawing asunder those who in God’s sight are organically one and are thus murdering the home life of our land. 5. The marriage of one man and one woman by divine institution and divine act, joining them in a relation closer and more binding than the relation between parent and child and so unifying them as to make them no longer two but one flesh, CAN BE DISSOLVED ONLY BY DEATH. When under the orange blossoms you pledge before God and man to take each other “for better or worse till death do you part”, you echo the teaching of Christ. Jesus says: “It hath been said, who soever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement. But I say unto you that whosoever shall put
HE message of our Lord Jesus Christ concerning marriage is five-fold. 1. and one woman is a DIVINE IN STITUTION. In the beginning
The marriage of one man
God made them male and female, one man and one woman. (Matt. 19:4). Lamech, the first polygamist, was a descendant of Cain, who founded a civilization of city- building, music and mechanical arts with out any recognition of God, whose au thority he had repudiated, and polygamy, which, like other sins, God endured but never approved, was in direct opposition to His law. 2. The marriage of one man and one woman is not only a divine institution, but a DIVINE ACT, “WHAT GOD HATH JOINED TOGETHER.” (Matt. 19:6). The fact that marriages turn out badly is no proof that God did not have part in the ceremony. The first marriage did not turn out very well. The husband was en ticed, by the wife into sin, and both hus band and wife learned to know what a broken heart means when they stood over the corpse of their son, slain by the mur derous hand of his brother. 3. The marriage of one man and one woman by this divine institution and di vine act JOINS HUSBAND AND WIFE IN A RELATION CLOSER AND MORE BINDING THAN THE RELATION BE TWEEN PARENT AND CHILD. We read in Genesis 2:24: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife.” Jesus quotes these words with approval. (Matt. 19:6). 4. The marriage of one man and one
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