King's Business - 1920-07



any voice left to raise for the old faith. The new giant publication called simply “ The Baptist” has bought up all other Baptist papers, and it is rumored that Chicago University dictates its policy. Mr. Houghton’s paper is not run on the subscription plan. Send him something to help spread his paper and ask him for copies. DR. CONWELL’S LOST PAPERS The editor of “ Bible Numerics” has the following to say concerning Dr. Russell Conwell and his little experience in spiritism: “ The writer has no difficulty in ac­ cepting the fact of the appearance and doings of that visitor of Dr. Conwell, once granting the truthfulness of the narrator, which the narrative itself pres­ ents nothing to impugn. In these latter days such narratives by respectable wit­ nesses are becoming not uncommon. It was surely not Mrs. Conwell’s spirit, if she passed over a saved woman. If Christ’s own are at all permitted to re­ turn, it is for purposes other than finding military papers lost for many years; and heaven-sent messengers do not identify themselves by having maids hide things, and letting clergymen find them. This much Dr. Conwell himself might readily see. But that Satan is here at work either for seduction unto Spiritualism or for sheer mockery is an explanation satis­ factory to folk who take Satan at least as seriously as gold pens sent off on a hiding expedition. The simple expedient of demanding that visitor in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to declare her identity, would have settled the mat­ ter speedily. A heavenly visitor would not need that challenge; and one from beneath cannot ignore it.” An ass is not the wiser for being loaded with books. Men are apt to belittle others’ sor­ rows and magnify their own pains.

a lack of “ meat in God’s house” ? When His work appeals for aid, should there ever be a reluctance to respond or a doling out of a mere pittance? Surely His unspeakable gift should make all giving to Him a spontaneous offering of love that, like Mary’s, should bring its precious flask of spikenard and lavish its treasures on His feet, and fill the house with the odor of self-sacrifice! “ COMB TO JESUS” THEOLOGY The learned Professor Vedder, of the Crozier Theological Seminary has the following to say in a newspaper article, concerning the “ Come to Jesus” the­ ology: “ The ‘Come-to-Jesus’ theology is bas­ ed on a psychology now known to be unscientific, and a metaphysis long ago abandoned by everybody save some theologians and preachers. The philos­ ophy that underlies this theology and conditions its dogmatic definitions and formulas has had no recognition for three hundred years, outside of theolo­ gical text-books and lecture rooms. Yet preachers, many of them, still go on repeating these absurd and outworn for­ mulas, and even threaten with ana­ thema and ostracism anybody who pre­ sumes to question their absolute truth.” The best reason we know of for stick­ ing to the “ Come to Jesus” theology is that it is the only thing that works. BAPTISTS WHO BELIEVE “ The Baptist Believer” is a new pa­ per, not as yet very large in size, but one that sounds the trumpet for the funda­ mentals of the faith with no uncertain sound. Rev. Will Houghton of New Bethlehem, Pa. is the editor. Mr. Houghton’s writings have become famil­ iar to many, and everyone knows where he stands. So far as we know, The Bap­ tist “Watchman Examiner” and “ The Baptist Believer” are the only two papers of the denomination that have

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