King's Business - 1920-07



warning to every true Christian to “ turn away.” And we ought to study a bit what our Lord has to say as to the character of His Church. For it must be borne in mind that He died for the Church, and no greater proof need be given of His love for . this, His Body and His Bride. The very name “ church” means “ called out,” and if we are called out, we must be called out from something. Nor does our Lord leave us in doubt on this point, for He tells us we are called out from the world. But here is an Interchurch Movement that seeks to make an alli­ ance with the world. Then the New Testament teaches us that the purpose of the Church is to save men out of this evil world and bring them to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The world is declared by Christ Himself to lie in the hands of the wicked one, and He did not concern Himself with the world as such; He dealt with individuals. His only instruction to His disciples was to “ preach the Gospel.” But here is an Interchurch Movement that aims through a sufficiently “ big” organization, to bring upon the earth “ righteousness.” Christ tells us that the Church will be a little flock, feeble, hated of the world, per­ secuted. But the Interchurch Move­ ment wants to be big, strong, rich, and friendly with the world. THE LAWS OF SERVICE If we “ admit” Christ as Lord, “ sub­ mit” to Him in everything, “ commit” everything to Him, and “ permit” Him to be everything, and to do all His will in us, then we shall indeed “ transmit” His life and grace to others, and all that we are and have and do shall be to the glory and praise of God.—W. H. Griffith Thomas. & Men are apt to belittle others’ sor­ rows and magnify their own pains.

trines? 1. The Bible is of little value apart from the book of Mormon. 2. There are many gods. They are human beings grown divine. Adam is the god and father of us all. 3. Christ was the son of Adam-god and Mary. He was a polygamist. His atonement does not save souls. 4. The Holy Spirit is an ethereal substance subject to the laws of matter, and bestowed only through Mormon priests. 5. Sin is a necessity for which God is responsible. 6. Salvation is by baptism and obedience to the Mormon rules. Living Mormons can be baptized for their dead relatives and friends who were not Mormons. 7. Eternal merits are gained by having plural wives (the latter they claim they do not now practice, although it has often been shown that many of them do). Full references in the Mormon books will be furnished by The Chris­ tian Fundamentals League in support of the above statements concerning Mormon doctrines. FRIENDLY (? ) CITIZENS Regarding the question of soliciting funds for the Lord’s work from so- called “ friendly citizens” or in “ no man’s land,” the editor of “ Chosen Peo­ ple” says:— The truth is, that the world as such rejects the Christ, has always rejected Him, and will continue to do so, until He shall come again in power and glory. It is thoroughly possible for the Inter­ church Movement so to lower the dig­ nity of Christ’s person and work as to make “ religion” acceptable to large numbers of people in mass; but between “ religion” and Christ, there can be the difference between hell and heaven. And in this connection let us not forget that this Movement is asking money from non-Christians, in order to accom­ plish a supposedly Christian work! This confession alone ought to be enough

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