King's Business - 1920-07


THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S Summer Conference and Bible School AT THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Julÿ and August, 1920 D R . F R E N C H E. O L IV E R -will be with us during Julj), speaking each-week day night on the Book of Galatians, and three times each Sunday, on -Oital and timely subjects. Other well known speakers will have the afternoon sessions. T he morning sessions will be demoted to the BIBLE W O M E N ’ S C O N F E R E N C E Detailed Program of which follows :

THIRD WEEK Monday, July 19th 2:00 P. M. Current Events in the Light of Prophecy Miss Gleason 10:45A.M. The Ages and Dispensations Great Epochs—Crises, Past, Present, Fu­ ture The Times of Israel and the Times of the Gentiles MissMerritt Wednesday, July 21st 10:00 A.M. The Bible for Every Age Mrs. Dennis 10:45A. M. Christ in the Old Testament Miss Scott Thursday, July 22nd 10:00A. M. Visitation in Homes Mrs.Holmes 10:45 A.M. Personal Work: Those Who Deny the Personality of Satan, the Real­ ity of Sin, and Blood Atonement Miss Rouzee Friday, July 23rd Miss Rouzee The League of Nations Tuesday, July 20th 10:00A.M. Ephesians 10:00A. M. . Philippians ' 10:45 A. M. Bible Story Telling Miss Scott Mrs. Dennis

FIRST WEEK Monday, July 5th Current Events in the Light of Prophecy Miss Rouzee Shall we Interpret Prophecy Liter­ ally ? Tuesday, July 6th Home Gathering of all Classes Address: Ephesians Miss Gleason The Word of Go® (1) The Object of it (to reveal Christ) (2) Subject (Christ Himself) Miss Merritt Wednesday, July 7th Bible for Every Age Mrs. Dennis Christ in the Old Testament Miss Scott Thursday, July 8th Work for Children Miss Merrill Personal Work: Those Who Deny Inspiration of the Bible. Miss Rouzee Friday, July 9th The Girl Problem Miss Scott Telling Bible Stories Mrs. Dennis SECOND WEEK Miss Rouzee The Capture of Jerusalem by the British Tuesday, July 13th

2:00 P. M.

10:00A. M. 10:45 A. M.

10:00A. M. 10:45A. M. 10:00A. M. 10:45A. M.

10:00A. M. 10 AS A. M.

Monday, July 12th 2:00 P. M. Current Events in the Light of Prophecy


Monday, July 26th Current Events in the Light of Prophecy Miss Rouzee Modern World Movements—Political and Ecclesiastical Tuesday, July 27th Ephesians Miss Gleason The Present Age The Church Epistles Miss Merritt Wednesday, July 28th The Bible for Every Age Mrs. Dennis Christ in the Old Testament^ Miss Scott Thursday, July 29th How to Deal With a Jew. Practical Demonstration Mr. Vaus and a Jewish Girl Personal Work: Those Going Into Occultism Miss Rouzee #Friday, July 30th Philippians r- Miss Scott Bible Story Telling Mrs. Dennis

2:00 P. M.

10:00A.M. Ephesians Miss Gleason 10:45 A. M. The Great Requirement of the Word (1) Study It (2) Rightly Divide It (a) As to Form (b) As to Subj. Matter. Miss Merritt _

10:00 A. M. 10:45 A. M.

10:00A. M. 10:45 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 10:45 A. M.

Wednesday, July 14th The Bible For Every Age Christ In the'Old Testament

10:00 A. M. 10:45A. M. 10:00A. M. 10:45 A. M.

Mrs. Dennis Miss Scott

Thursday,_July 15th Miss King Personal Work: The Great Modern Heresy—Works Versus Grace Miss Rouzee Friday, July 16th Hospital Visitation

10:00A. M. 10:45A. M.

10:00A.M. Philippians 10:45A. M. Bible Story Telling

Miss Scott Mrs. Dennis

D R . A R N O C . G A E B E L E IN will be witk us during tke entire montk of August, speaking four nigkts eack week, and tkree times eack Sunday). Detailed program of tke entire conference will be given in tke August number. T ke$ can also be bad on application to Superintendent, T . C . Horton

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