King's Business - 1920-07



that night. As the invitation for those who wished to accept Chri§t was given, this young man in a very determined way made for the front with the words, “ I am going up there myself.” Should that malignant disease prove fatal now, he feels that he is prepared for the life beyond. J. A. VAUS, Superintendent. M S H O P W O R K The Working Man’s Need More and more as we learn of the good that has been done and is possible to be done in the shops do we believe that it is one of the best possible ways of reaching the working man with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many busy pastors and Christian Workers feel as we do that the need of the working man as well as all other classes is always “ ONLY JESUS.” But they are faced with the problem, “How are we going to reach them with the message?” for very few of them ever darken the door of a church. Some have found as we have, that going to them a week day with the “ GOOD NEWS” has been the means of bringing not a few into the church serv­ ices on a Sunday. It has been the writer’s experience that after going to them with the Gospel where they work, that it tends to make them hungry for more, and Sunday will find them in the church service hearing the Word of God, instead of sleeping at home, or out on some pleasure trip. Value of Shop Work Some of the pastors visit with me the different shops in the vicinity of their churches, for the one purpose of get­ ting acquainted with the men, and in­ viting them to their church. As I look over the men that have taken their stand for Jesus, and are now working in the church of their choice, the writer cannot answer in any other way the question, “ Does shop work pay?” but by saying, “ Yes, shop work pays, not only here, but hereafter. For what will it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what will a man give in exchange for HIS SOUL?” The writer does not mean to infer that all of the men will come to the shop meetings or that all who do come will be saved, but he does feel that shop work will greatly increase the attend­

ance at any church in the neighborhood, as well as being a means of reaching the working classes with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. What is the greatest need in our de­ partment today? The writer would say, men and women who realize the great need in the working world today for the Gospel of Jesus, who will pray and work that these classes may be evangelized. If your church is in the vicinity of a shop where meetings can be held, ask God to help you to start services there for the Lord Jesus. “ Finally, brethren, pray for US.” M. H. REYNOLDS, Superintendent. Ate. 9 * H A R B O R W O R K Unparalleled Opportunities The days of last month were the busiest ever had in the work here in San Francisco. During the short month the annual exodus of 16,000 men on several dozen vessels was but one item in the long list of unparalleled -oppor­ tunities. These men, bound for the salmon fisheries of Alaska for the sum­ mer season, were found on sailing ves­ sels, and besides the Chinese and Mexi­ cans, who were in the majority, hun­ dreds of Japanese, Spaniards, Filipinos, Negroes, Italians, Norwegians, Porto Ricans and Americans composed the crews. A wide open door, good hearings and receptions were the worker’s good por­ tion. The biggest week was had when 27 vessels were boarded and nearly 200 Moody books were given out; 1138 Gospels and 7180 tracts distributed (not counting 100 pamphlets and New Testa­ ments), and many interviews were had, all in one week. We will speak of a very needy case for which prayer is asked. Pray for This Man A young fellow, very careless and in­ different, was encountered. “ I have been on the road for three years now and am unconcerned what becomes of me. Don’t care whether I go to hell or not and do not bother about God at all.” Such was the answer he gave to the message and words of warning given him. “ Many preachers have talked to me and some of them said there was no hell, so why bother?” he said, and very seldom was a more brazen youth found by the worker. However, God gave grace to keep to the Word,

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