BIBLE WOMEN Reaching Real Boys I want to tell you about our Boys’ Pocket Testament Club. It is a rather motley collection of boys from nine to sixteen— boys bright and boys dull, boys quiet and boys restless, but all of them pledged to carry their Testaments with them and to read a chapter each day. They meet at my home on Monday aft ernoons, coming from school. The meet ing is called to order by their president, one of their own number, who then calls for an opening prayer. The reports of the secretary and treasurer are pre sented, the secretary always embodying something of the Bible lesson in his re port. The money in the treasury con sists of free will offerings by the boys themselves, and is used to buy Testa ments for new members. These reports are followed by roll-call, each boy ris ing and telling something he has read during the week. Failure to read or to be present for three consecutive meet ings without good excuse automatically drops a boy from membership, while new members are only received by the vote of the membership committee and later of the club, after an attendance of four consecutive weeks with a response or the reading for the week. New mem bers are presented with a Testament by the Club. After the roll-call the mem ory verses are given and located— the repeating of ten verses with their loca tion, entitling a boy to the club button, our own design. Then follows a talk on some of the great men of the Bible and the League song, “ Carry Your Bible With You.” A few minutes social time follows during which applications for membership are received by the member ship committee. Light refreshments, cocoa and cookies, candy, or in summer time lemonade are served, and our real boys adjourn to a ball game or other athletic stunts. A Society Woman Saved “ I never before knew that all these things were in the Bible. It was dry reading to me but I forced myself to do it as my duty. Now it is a new Book and I can hardly stop reading it.” This was the emphatic declaration of a lively woman whose name appeared frequently in society columns as a winner of prizes at bridge parties. Now, having learned the charm of the Word of' God, she is regular in attendance at the weekly Bible Class, sitting on the very front seat
patience under the circumstances and love for his lost soul, so that the inter view was in a measure fruitful, for almost against his will he said: “When you talk to me like that, it makes me feel like I wish I was never horn.” He was not a Christian after all the talk we had with him, yet God made him feel very miserable and the arrows of the Word of God stuck in his heart. He apparently felt unconcerned until God spoke to his soul and made him wish he was never born. The worker used the given opportunity to drive home to this youth the force of his own words in the light of what Jesus said of the man that it was better if such a one had never been born; and all this came after the man denied that there was any truth in the Word and he did not believe it at all. Will you not pray that this man may be saved as he reads the printed page we gave him? Reaching Prisoners From Siberia Last week a big transport arrived from the Asiatic Coast, hundreds of men thronging the rails. On this ONE ves sel 900 Hungarian, Austrian and Ger man prisoners of war were found being on the way home from Siberia. They were made prisoners in the first months of the war by Russia, their destiny was the mines in Siberia and finally the day came on which the journey began to Vladivostok to Hamburg by way of San Francisco. Then 3500 Czecho-Slovacs, civilians and troops, made up the “ Pas senger List” of the “ Giant of the Sea.” Americans as officers, etc., then Mexi cans and Filipinos and Chilenos, 500 men in the crew, total nearly 5000 souls. All appetite, and sleep were gone and a modern “ Feeding of the Five Thou sand” began, not with fishes and bread, but with the living bread. At this writ ing a shipment of tracts is awaited from the East to complete the task begun on two trips to the vessel. How we need to pray and thank the Lord for this wonderful opportunity. Over 300,000 prisoners alone are ex pected to come here on the way to Europe, not counting the thousands of Czecho-Slovacs due here. The field here is truly white unto harvest, is it not? We expect to give a complete report of this special ship in the next number of the magazine. OSCAR ZIMMERMAN, Superintendent.
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