King's Business - 1920-07



with note book and pencil, and best of all, with receptive mind and heart. A Young Wife Interested In another class a young wife who has enjoyed every benefit of wealth in study and travel and whose interests have been varied in character has, through the seeming accident of the Bible class being held in her mother’s home for a few times, become deeply interested in the study for herself. With intelligent comprehension, she gives heed to the teaching of vital funda­ mental doctrines of the Christian faith, and yielding every point which preju­ dice or tradition would hold against the plain statement of God’s Word, she is entering into a life of child-like faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I Know A young man too crippled to walk, with only an old mother to care for him, came to a trying time in his life when a decision must he made. They were in much perplexity. He was only a young Christian but he opened his Bible one morning to see if there might be any help there, and glancing over a few pages, his eye fell on certain verses. It was a new experience to him, but to himself he declared, “ I am going to try them.” To the worker, he said, “ And do you know, they worked out.” I used to say, “ I think.” now, “ I know,” and when I am in a tight place again, I will know just where to go. More than that I do want to tell some one else about Jesus and what He has done for me, but I see so few people.” The worker told him his testimony has been most help­ ful, also assuring him that the Lord would send some needy one to him, and He has done so. n NICHOLSON MEETING The Jamestown and Sonora Compaign Jamestown is a small town of some seven or eight hundred people, mostly Roman Catholic. They have a Methodist church there, but no resident minister. The work is largely carried on by the Misses Butterfield, and it was through them that the campaign was ever thought of in that town. They took the dance hall in the center of the town, and on the main street, for the meetings. The meetings were hard from the very start. We could not get in the outsiders. Ridicule was too severe for many to brave. The open air meetings

were fine. We had a very unique expe­ rience here. The proprietor of the pic­ ture show would not open his show any night until the open air meeting was over. The meeting was held right op­ posite his show, so we got his crowd to preach to most every night. It was won­ derful the respectful attention they gave to the preaching and the singing. Meetings at Sonora After two weeks’ meetings in James­ town we went up to Sonora, where Rev. Mr. Edgell holds the fort for the Lord, both the Presbyterian and Baptist churches being without a minister. God has richly blessed him in the work. The church was almost down and out when he took hold of the work, and now he has as fine a church for spirituality and numbers, as there is in the Conference. The places where the saloons used to be were now turned into stores, so that the whole town seemed changed. It was good to see the permanent results of the campaign held there two years ago. We had fine open air meetings, and great crowds stood night after night to listen to the Word of God. Mr. Charles Sanders, who is graduating this June from the Bible Institute, assisted in the meetings at both places. He is a man of prayer and faith, and is willing to do anything he can to make the meet­ ings a success. His voice is not so precious that he is afraid to use it for the Lord anywhere. He sells the books, helps to clean the hall, in fact is willing to put his hand to anything that will help the work along. His kindly way with the audiences, his prayer-soaked messages in song, help to create an at­ mosphere in the meetings that makes the preacher’s work very easy. If a man can’t preach after he is through, it isn’t likely he will preach anyhow. Praise God for such a helper! Now at Escondido We are now at Escondido with Rev. William Thomas in the Baptist church and will be here until the 23rd (dv). There is every promise for a good time here, for there has been such good spir­ itual preparation made by the pastor. He has a fine people, and they are pray­ ing and working hard and we feel sure we are in for a big time. Brethren, pray hard for us. The time is getting short, the gloom is deepening and the fight is getting fiercer, but we’re on the side of VICTORY. Hallelujah! W. P. NICHOLSON.

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