King's Business - 1920-07

673 passages. Soon after receiving the let­ ter and literature he wrote me that he was now rejoicing in the Lord His Saviour. Later I sent him a decision card to sign and the following is a translation of part of his reply: “ My very appreciable Master, you have served as a guide to show me the way of eternal life. When my father died he left me a little book- It was cover­ less but since I have received the Testa­ ment you sent me, I find it was just the same kind of book. The Holy Scriptures cannot only be read by the priest but whosoever will can read it. I delight and always desire to read the Scriptures and I can assure you that I give myself to His word because you gave me the Word as it was preached by St. Paul and St. John. Now I am at your service and in proof of my sincerity and word of honor I sign in my own blood.” On inquiring how he came to write to the Bible Institute, he writes: “While passing through San Francisco with my family I found a tract that made mention of our Lord Jesus Christ and on it I found the name of the Bible Institute and I thought I would write a letter to see what my chances were to know the way of salvation.” Here is another evidence of God’s blessing upon the distribution of tracts, thus verifying this Scripture— “ Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days” and “ In the morning sow thy seed and in the eve­ ning withhold not thine hand, for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that or whether they both shall be alike good.” ROBERT H. BENDER, Superintendent. m B IO L A H A L L Following Tip Converts What a wonderful privilege is ours who work at Biola Hall, reaching scores of men all day, every day with the Gos­ pel. Men, one at a time or twelve, or fifty at once are presented with the great truths of the Word of God. Often a dozen meetings are held in one day at the entrance, whereas it would be im­ possible to draw men indoors to serv­ ices. The Lord gives us a good harvest of souls each week, and every man who decides for Christ is dealt with person­ ally, and grounded in the Word. It is very hard to follow up many of these


S P A N IS H W O R K The Problem of Romanism “ But aftcr_ that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness. which we have done, hut according to His mercy He saved us, hy the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost, which he shed bn us abundant­ ly through Jesus Christ our Saviour.” The above truth is indeed a wonder­ ful revelation to those who have been brought up' in the Roman Catholic faith, and in fact so much so that to many it seems impossible that one can be saved without some work; of penance. This is the reason that it takes time for the Mexicans to comprehend the fact that the only work acceptable to God is that which was wrought upon the cross by our Lord Jesus Christ. Conse­ quently much of our work consists of indoctrinating them in the substitution­ ary work of Christ and showing them how Jesus paid it all, without the aid of any works of our own. To some it almost seems too good to be true, but, praise God, there are some who, having heard the messages over and over again, do comprehend and ac­ cept Jesus as their Saviour from sin. Recently three women and one man in a Mexican colony definitely accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and while explaining the way of salvation to them the man said, “ But not until we die do we re­ ceive eternal life?” We then turned to John 5:24 and read to him how we re­ ceived eternal life as a present posses­ sion and he soon comprehended and said, “ I now have eternal life.” I said, “ If you believe.” Then he said, “ Do I have eternal life on the authority of this Word?” I said again, “ If you be­ lieve it and accept Jesus Christ. Now do you receive Him as your Saviour and what do you have now in Him?” He said, “ Eternal life.” Like thousands of others he was hoping that he would be saved eventually by his good works, but when you bring them down to brass tacks and ask them if they ever did any good works they will invariably answer in the negative. A Hungry Mexican Recently the Biola Book Room re­ ceived a letter from a- Mexican, which was given to me to translate, and I found it was from a man inquiring for some literature that would show him the way of salvation. I answered his letter and showed him how Jesus died for our sins and if he would accept Him as his Saviour he would be saved, and sent him a Testament marking some

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