King's Business - 1920-07



am a Christian, but I have no peace and no joy such as you men seem to have.” We prayed for him and one of the work­ ers spent the whole afternoon with him, opening up to him the Word of God. He found peace with assurance of his salvation and is now a regular attend­ ant at the prayer meeting. He wrote to his Christian father in the East and told him of his joy, and said, “ Oh, why don’t the preachers preach the Bible and tell those great but clear truths so we can understand them and have assurance and peace?” Y. Y. MORGAN, Superintendent. MS FRUITS OF UNFAITHFULNESS The editor of “Watchword and Truth” says, relative to the departure of Meth­ odism from its old standards of faith, that the fruit of unfaithfulness to God’s word is being reaped in that denomina­ tion. He says: For thirteen years in succession its membership has decreased in England. This year there is a decrease of 3,635 members, 7,451 S. S. Teachers and 29,- 564 Scholars. In the United States the decline is still worse. In 1919 there was a loss in the United States of 65,000 members, and a loss of over 200,000 from the Sunday Schools. These figures spell disaster to the Methodism, which, when it held to the plain teachings of the Bible as did John Wesley, was the most aggressive, the most prosperous and the most useful of all Protestant de­ nominations. When will these destruc­ tive critics call a halt in the faces of such disastrous results? By making a big “ drive” for millions of dollars, they seem to be whistling to keep up their courage!

converts, but we keep in touch with as many as possible. We feel sure that the friends will be glad to hear of the progress of the one whose letter we quoted last month. Another letter has come recently and we are publishing it for the glory of God, the encouragement of our friends and helpers in prayer, and to arouse an interest in' your prayers for this brother: Letter From a Convert “ Dear Brother Morgan: Your kind, helpful letter received Saturday, and the book, God and Me, arrived this morning. I just run through it a little. I thank you for your interest in me; also the gentleman that gave out the hook. “ I am going to take up work for the Lord. 1 am going to give my work free at a little oil and mining town of four thousand, about thirty miles west of here. I joined the Christian church in p-----, where they preach the Gospel from cover to cover. I would have to believe it all or none. _ . „ , “ There is a church at F----- practically de­ serted, no funds, no preacher. Mjr task looms pretty big for a man without training or ex­ perience. I will certainly need your help, ad­ vice, and most of all your prayers. “I will start today closing up my real estate and building business. I will have enough in­ come so that I can devote my time and work free of charge. I can’t conceive of anyone want­ ing to pay me for it. “ I told you while in Los Angeles that 1 wa§ going to work on this line, but I didn’t know how, where or when. Now, Brother Morgan, I have stated my position. Enclosed find check for ten dollars. Send me the King’s Business for a year, and whatever you have m way of help on sermons. It is all new to me and I know that I need help. How about the Cor­ respondence Course at the Institute? It might have been better for me to (have come out there to the Institute for a while, but it will take me several months to clear up my business so I could get away, so if I can do any good here and study and learn, I will be glad to do what I can. Send me any literature that you think will be helpful to me. Give Brother L-— and the young men at Biola Hall my best wishes. With love to yourself, I remain, your friend A Young Man Seeking Peace About two months ago a young man came to Los Angeles and that first week here passed by the Hall and heard the preaching of the Word at the outdoor service. He noticed a sign announcing a noonday prayer meeting for men. He determined to come and the next day at the prayer meeting said, “ I wish that you would pray for me. I think that I

FORM OF BEQUEST To Bible Institute of Los Angeles

I give and bequeath to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, incorporated under the laws of the State of California ...................... dollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute of Los Angeles shall be sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises. ______________________

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