679 not have a thought worth noting by a single pencil. He contains enough phos phorus to make 800,000 matches, and yet he may be a poor stick and no match for any girl. He contains about 60 lumps of sugar, and yet he may be sour-tempered. He contains enough iron to make a spike that will hold his own weight, and yet he may be a putty- man. He contains a lot of starch and yet may not have much in him. You cannot change the makeup of your body, but you can change the makeup of your spirit at will. v. 40. Chose smooth stones out of the brook. Living water in Scripture is a symbol of the Spirit in activity. (Jn. 7:38; Is. 44:3). The stones are the instrumental- COMMENTS FROM ities furnished MANY SOURCES out of the brook. Keith L. Brooks The instrument ality furnished the church by the Holy Spirit and by which He operates in power is the Word of God. (1 Cor. 2:13; 2 Tim. 4 :2).— Haldeman. What need had David to take a sword? (v. 39). His enemy’s sword should serve his purpose when he has occasion for one. (v. 51). God is greatly glorified when His proud ene mies have their heads cut off with their own sword and He makes their own tongues to fall upon them. (Ps. 64:8). -—-Henry. David had four more stones than he needed, (1 Cor. 1:27).—Mil ler. Stones, scrip and sling. David went out carrying sling, stones and scrip to meet a giant who carried sword, spear and shield.— K. B. Drew near the Phil istine. David did not wait till the giant came up to him. He advanced toward the enemy. The Christian should not always stand on the defensive. (2 Cor. 10 :5 ).—Marsh. It is thus that God’s champions in every age have gone out against giant wrongs as Luther against Tetzel, and it is thus that we may con fidently overthrow the inbred sins that claim supremacy over our lives.^—Meyer. v. 41. Philistine came on. His chief mark was the number six. He had six fingers and six toes, six pieces of armor, six cubit stature, six hundred shekels weight his spear head. Six is the num ber of man out of touch with God. 666
THE K I N G ’S BUS I NE S S typewriting, that she had not the best of education, that she was of nervous temperament, and that she was not strong. All these characteristics stood out on that sheet of paper, and on every other typewritten sheet she pro duced. Later in the trial facts came out that proved the expert correct in every detail. The accuracy and force of that stone was a part of David him self which had been made in the long years of practice while tending sheep. What you are will come out. A young man bought a gold watch with a 20-year guarantee. In a few months he brought it back saying the case looked like brass. The jeweler looked at it, rubbed it a little, then asked the young man if he had been taking medicine containing iron. The young man said he had. “ Well,” said the jeweler, “ the iron has come out with the perspiration and has tarnished your watch.” What you are affects others as the iron did the watch. We either make others more bright or more dull by our lives. David had few flaws. In the west a bridge gave way and several passengers went down into the stream below. An investigation was held, and the cause was found to exist in the construction of a beam. During its moulding a bit of air by some means found its way into the center of the shaft, and a cavity was the result. The outside looked well. No sign of a flaw was observed, but finally, when under the pressure of a heavy burden, it gave way. Are there hidden flaws in your life? Golden Text Illustration—David acted wisely. Science tells us that the average man contains enough oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen to make $2.45 worth of il luminating gas; and yet he may not be bright enough to throw light on any subject. He contains enough carbon to make 9360 lead pencils; yet he may
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