harried from place to place by the king’s soldiers. 1 Pet. 3:14-17. FRIDAY, July 9. 1 Sam. 20:35-42. The Princes’ Friendship. As the marriage ring is the seal of the covenant between husband and wife, so Jonathan’s robe, sword, bow and girdle were the signs and seals of his covenant with David. In the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper all the benefits of the new covenant are repre sented and applied to believers. In Jonathan’s raiment and weapons the kingdom of Israel with its honor and glory were represented and sealed to David. The son and heir of Saul de prived himself of all that men hold dear to adorn and seal David for the throne of Israel. What Jonathan did in a measure and in his time, the Son of God did in the fulness of time for man. Jonathan was the sinful son of a sin ful father who did this for a friend. Jesus was the Son of the living God who stripped Himself for His enemies and clothed them with His diadem. Phil. 2:5-8. SATURDAY, July 10. Prov. 17:1-17. The Value of a Friend. “ Saul’s son arose and went to David in the wood and strengthened his hand in God.” This was a gracious visit. One might suppose in view of Janathan’s renunciation, he would have looked to David to strengthen him. David was in danger of losing his faith in God. Had he lost it, he would no longer have been the coming king of Israel and the rival of Jonathan. It was a noble, unselfish deed, to strengthen David in God lest his faith should fail. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Would you have left your palace in Gibeah and gone down into the wood of Ziph to strength en your friend if that strength imparted would have carried him over your head and put you beneath his feet? Grudge not your neighbor his well-earned pro motion and meed of praise. The cross of Christ may well have been made from a tree that had grown in the wood of Ziph. SUNDAY, July 11. John 15:1-15. The Friendship of Jesus. Friendship is the master passion. The friendship of Jesus means com panionship, communion and conformity. If a man is known by the company he keeps, a man who keeps God’s company must be a godly man. An ancient poet
says “ To will the same thing and not to will the same thing, that is true friendship.” It is a strange and strik ing fact that two friends grow like each other as their friendship grows. Love transforms into the likeness of the loved one. God calls us friends that He may reveal Himself to us and through us in time and eternity. To be called friends by our Divine Master is to know Him as the lover of souls, to give Him en trance to our hearts, to learn the mean ing of life and to know the ecstasy of living. This great friendship is given without money and without price to every heart responsive to God’s love. MONDAY, July 12. 1 Sam. 26:1-12. David Spares Saul’s Life. David decided to visit Saul’s camp under cover of the darkness that he might become acquainted more fully with the situation. Abishai, his nephew, volunteered to go with him. They found every one asleep. Saul occupied the most secure position surrounded by his men. It was customary for a sol dier in camp to stick his spear in the ground beside his head that it might be ready for instant action. Abishai thought it a Providential opportunity to deliver David once for all and asked for the privilege of smiting the king. One thrust with the spear would be enough. David however was only seeking to pre serve his own life and had no desire to take Saul’s. He refused to take mat ters into his own hands, preferring to leave Saul in God’s hands. David knew that he was to become king and he be lieved that God would act in His own time and way in regard to Saul. Happy are they who have self-restraint enough to keep their hands off and not inter fere with God’s purpose and program! TUESDAY, July 13. 1 Sam. 24:1-12. Saul at David’s Mercy. It is to David’s lasting honor that the land was not plunged into the horrors of civil war. His followers were multi plying daily and the devotion to David added to their own wrongs made them ready for anything. David’s self-re straint and patience were all that stood between Saul and the loss of throne and life. One day when David and his out lawed men were hiding in a cave among the rocks of the wild goats, Saul who was hunting David, came into that very cave to sleep. David’s men said to him, “ This is your opportunity. The Lord
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