King's Business - 1920-07



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Biola Book Room


are sure to wear well. The collection especially emphasizes the consistent Christian life and hence is well adapted for the victorious life conferences for which it was primarily compiled. APT ILLUSTRATIONS FOR PUBLIC ADDRESSES By A. B. Webber ($1.50). The George Doran Company, publishers. There can never be too many books of fresh original illustrations for the use of public speakers and this new col­ lection of short incidents will be most acceptable and usable. THE MENACE OP IMMORALITY IN CHURCH AND STATE By Rev. J. D. Stratton, Pastor Cal­ vary Baptist Church, New York City. A collection of sermons showing up conditions in the world today. Dr. Strat­ ton’s arraignment of worldliness in the churches is merciless. The book sets forth facts backed by unanswerable proof that will startle most people. Dr. Stratton believes in a real devil and a real hell for sinners and declares that much of the preaching of today is too soft and spineless. He denounces the superficial optimism of so many ser­ mons and uncovers the awful sins of modern society in the full light of the warnings of God’s Word. MOSES AND THE MONUMENTS By Dr. Melvin Grove Kyle, Professor of Theology and Biblical Archaeology of Xenia Theological Seminary. ($2.00). The second in a series of books on archaeology from this noted archaeolo­ gist in which he gives light from archaeology on Pentateuchal times. A book that absolutely destroys the argu­ ments of the higher criticism. Gives light on peculiar words, phrases and narratives in the Pentateuch, the liter­ ary characteristics of the books of the law, the history of Israel, the tabernacle and its furniture, the Mosaic system of sacrifices, and questions of eschatology in the Pentateuch.

By Wm. M. Smith, Superintendent of Union Bible Seminary, Westfield, In­ diana, and editor of the Friend’s Min­ ister. A remarkable outline of God’s deal­ ings through human governments in the past and a marvelous summary of the prophecies bearing on government and world conditions of the immediate fu­ ture. The book contains many state­ ments that will be real nuggets to the Bible student. SEVEN SAYINGS OP THE SAVIOUR ON THE CROSS By Arthur W. Pink. A chapter is given to each of these great sayings that will not only furnish some new thoughts for preachers who may want to give a series of sermons on these words from the cross but that is rich for devotional reading for the average Bible lover. A right under­ standing of these seven -sayings will completely clear up anyone who does not thoroughly grasp the truth of sal­ vation. ANNOTATED BIBLE By A. C. Gaebelein. ($1.50.) The seventh volume in the series to cover the whole Bible. Those who sub­ scribed to this series of short suggestive studies on every chapter of the Bible are doubtless glad to receive another volume from Mr. Gaebelein’s pen, and it is hoped that the full set will be com­ pleted soon. Every student should have this complete set which is one of the most concise and spiritual summaries of the Bible we know of. VICTORIOUS LIFE HYMNS By Charles M. Alexander. The Sunday School Times Company has just brought out this new hymn book which we think about the best of Mr. Alexander’s productions. He gathers together the best of the solid old hymns of the Gospel and gives as well an ex­ cellent collection of the newer songs that have been well tried out and that

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