THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S 639 “ Think what Labor owes to Him” , carrying a camouflaged appeal for funds from the working men, and written by some paid advertising agent who knew nothing about the Bible, contained one of the most blasphemous lies we have ever seen when it said,—speaking of our Lord, “ He spoke a phrase that flamed with power, ‘ You are the Sons of God’, He told them” . This is an infamous lie calculated to deceive the working men. Christ never spoke any such words, never any words that could by any means sug gest such a thought. Nor does the Bible anywhere suggest that any were sons of God, save those who become children of God by faith in Jesus Christ. He did say to the rulers, “ Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” He did say, “ He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him.” Every dollar obtained by this advertisement from the working men or from the so-called “ friendly citizens” who dwell in “ No Man’s Land” , was obtained under false pretenses and would entitle one to have the authorities who authorized the advertisement printed arrested, and any sober minded judge would be justified in sending them to prison. A great and grievous wrong has been done to our fellow men and there will be a fruitage of untold sorrow as a result. What would happen were one of these men to go into a church where the real Gospel of the Son of God was preached and the minister should have for his text, “ The wages of sin is death,” or, “ The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God,” or “ In hell he lifted up his eyes being in torment,” or “ He that believeth on the Son hath life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on Would he not be justified in condemning the preacher and the church and shaking the dust off his feet as a testimony against them? This is all the result of the money-mad craze which has possessed the leaders. Look out for the reaction. —T. C. H. jpsg Uir JSs? Jiè B rethren , Pmy for us We are distinctly commanded to pray for ministers, that doors of utter ance may be opened to them (Gal. 4:3), that they might speak boldly (Eph. 6 -19 20), that they might be clothed with righteousness (Ps. 132:9) and that the word spoken might be glorified (2 Thess. 3 :1). There are probably few people in these days who pray for the minister as much as they criticise and if the ministers are thus neglected, what about the Christian editors? Through the progress of the printing art the possibilities for doing good or evil through the printed page have become tremendous. Probably more people are being touched through the printed page than by the voices of preachers. In the case of many of our religious periodicals the congregation of the editor amounts to hundreds of thousands of people a month—more than even the greatest minister is able to reach. The editor’s words go directly into the homes and reach every member of the family who reads. Printed words are more likely to be carefully considered than words uttered in haste. The thoughts are permanently set forth so there can be no mistake as to the meaning. The words may be re-read until the mind grasps them.
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