King's Business - 1920-07

IlIlH H U illi l|l!lllllllllllinil]|ltllllllllllllillllllll!lllllllllll!lll|lillllllllllllllllllll|||fl|llllllllil!!li!lllllllllllllllllilll!llllllli!lillllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllillli:i!illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!lllllillllllllllllll!llllllllllllll TKe Charm of “Little Old New York” D O YOU know that charm and how it affects people? Some years ago a Southern editor wrote: “ We confess to a sneaking fondness for lit­ tle old New York.” What makes this charm? It is the appeal of LIFE, of CHANGE, of VARIETY, of MANIFOLD PERSONALITIES and NATIONALITIES gathered from all over the earth. It is the attraction of great streets, enormous buildings, concentered activi­ ties. It is the power of radiating influence, reaching into every land and touching men and women in every nook and corner of the earth. All the world looks towards New York. It is the only city on earth reached by letters from anywhere with just the name of the city added to the name of person and street. There are other Londons, other Chicagos, other Constan- tinoples, even other Jerusalems. But there is only One Kiev; York Nearly everybody comes to New York, or wants to. Even Satan comes here. The angels visit it. God is at work here. Christians everywhere think of it, and pray for it, and seek to bless its inhabitants. It is full of business, of commerce, of politics, of SIN. Life’s deepest tragedies are enacted here. Many find in it the sweetest joys of true living. All these deepen and heighten and color the charm of little old New York. The Charm of Two Million Jews What a crowd, nearly two million Jews in one center! About them is the spell of antiquity and the memory of past dealings with God. The smell of persecuting fires has swept over them, and the lure of gold is in their eyes. They are keen, eager, intense, but not for God. These two million Jews are New York’s charm for Jesus Christ. JEHOVAH LOVES THEM. DO YOU LOVE THEM? If not, why not? If you do, what are you doing for them? Would you learn about them? Are you con­ cerned for their future? See it all in “PRAYER AND WORK FOR ISRAEL,” the world’s finest Jewish missionary magazine. A monthly, 24-pages, vibrating with news of these Jews and of what God is doing for them. YOU NEED THIS MAGAZINE. Sign the coupon below and read of the Jewish charm of little old New York. THOS. M. CHALMERS, 2654 Marion Avenue, New York City. Enclosed find One Dollar for one year’s subscription to “Prayer and Work for Israel.” Name ........... .............— ........— .—:...—------,— — ¿.------------— ............................— Address .........I......—..... l ........."..........—....— ----- - --------------------------------.........------------------ Please mention The King’s Business Magazine



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