King's Business - 1920-07

in in inin m in ininin GOD SA Y S : “ My Word shall not return unto Me |JJ V01<“ Go To Church” advertisements that [T1 contain God’s Word and are read are sure UJ to get results. To get church advertise- I ments read, they must be as attractive UJ and as artistic as mercantile and other II advertisements. . . . . , . m Sixty million people in America do not attend church. Invite them. The addi- uj tional offerings will pay for the advertis- |j g*Write for first and second series of [T| “ Go To Church” advertisements. This is a weekly matrix service for newspapers. JAMES B. SPILLMAN, m Religious Advertising Agency, Columbia, S. C. Lu |uiiiiniiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii........................................................................................... 1 100,000 Strong | By Jan. 1st, 1921 That’s where vle'Oe set our 1 our stakes for the great 1 “ J I M ” M O V E M E N T | The Most practical Soul- | Winning Campaign E^er | Inaugurated ! JESUS IS MINE IS HEYOURS? I SO SIMPLE-SO COSMOPOLITAN | SO EFFICIENT 1 Every Churck of Every Denomination in 1 E^erp Land Needs “ JIM** 1 Organize Your Society Now. t>For Full Particu- B lars, Membership cardand “Jim” button send 25c 1 IN T E R N A T IO N A L “ JIM ” S O C IE T Y B 407-409 CitizensNat. Bk. Bldg., Los AngelesCal. IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHHiiiii'iiu'inniiiii'«'<'<"ni"innniinniiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiinHimnininiiwU^

SACRED SOLO “LO. I AM W ITH YOU ALW AY.” The beautiful art cover pane of the CHRISTIAN HERALD of March 31 1915, reproduced from duplicate plates by special permission of the Christian Herald, Margaret B. Sangster, Jr., who wrote the words, and Remington Schuyler, the painter. The music is by Charles Marsh.Written for high and low voices, and printed in both settings on eight pages large size music sheet. Beautiful! Price. 60 Cents Send for two copies For sale at Music Stores and Denominational Pub­ lishing Houses. Mailed direct by the publisher at price quoted. W. ELM ER BA ILEY. Publisher Station E Columbus. Ohio



Life in theWord

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More than two hundred thousand copies have been distributed and the de­ mand continnes. The "Observer” says it presents “ the best proofs of the vitality and vitalizing power of the Bible.” Cloth 60c Paper 30c LookingfortheSavior Will the Lord’s Coming precede the Great Tribulation, or follow it? All who are interested in that question should read this book. Cloth 60c Paper 30c w v HAMILTON BROS., SCRIPTURE TRUTH DEPOT 120 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimniiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiinni^

TERMS TO s u n INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS Complete Home Furnishers Lyon-McKinney-Smith Co. 737-41 SOUTH HILL STREET, LOS ANGELES


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