King's Business - 1920-07


T o Hear Botk Sides of a Great Subject, Send for “Is The Sermon On The Mount,Law?

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Copyright, The Sunday School Times Co roblemsoftheChristianColege Student College and University life today perplexes the conscientious Christian student as never before. How shall he choose the golden mean between being a recluse, an ascetic, and on the other hand en- gaging in activities that will injure both his life and his testimony? These practical problems are dis­ cussed with rare helpfulness by a young college professor, not many years out of undergraduate life him­ self, who is a consecrated Christian, practical man, and a clear thinker. Every Christian student, and the Christian parents of students, will he interested in this unusual series soon to commence in iw ttbatr ® im ?0 And in every issue you get a dozen unusual lesson-help features, on the International Improved Uniform Les­ sons, by the best Bible teachers m North America, including a cartoon illustrating the lesson similar to the one shown above. But the very best thing about this Every Week Interdenominational Journal tor Adults in Bible Study and Teaching, Sunday-school Management, and the Christian Life and Service, is that . it stands for the whole Bible as the infallible Word of God,

| HAMILTON BROTHERS J Scripture Truth Department I 12 0 -Tremont St. B O S T O N , M A S S , j

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and the shed. blood ot . Jesus as> the only way x * 0

of salvation.

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I A O '/' For the 25 cents enclosed . ¿¡K r please send the Sunday School Times for 10 weeks to Name.... ----- ------.................. -..... ——------- The “Times” books perpetuate the weekiy mes­ sages. A descriptive catalog may be had tor the asking. mm,

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