King's Business - 1920-07

Ttie Victorious Life Conference OF TH E P A C I F I C COA S T ..................................................................... . W I L L BE H E L D A T T H E First Presbyterian CKurcb

LONG BEACH, CAL., JUNE 20-27 1920

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION , COMMUN ICATE WITH W A R R E N A . PIKE, 1276 North Michigan Avenue, Pasadena, Calif.

Why pay $35.00 or $40.00 for an insignificant 3# Oc­ tave, single reed 'folding or-; gan when you can get a; practical 4 Octave double reed PIPE-TONE FOLDING ORGAN for $30.00 cash with order? We feel that our offer is a liberal one, and for the purpose of defeating the profiteer. Organs fully guaranteed or money re­ funded.

SING No. 10— "Bring In the Tithes”— a new song by Mrs. C. H. Morris, In WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL SONGPAMPHLET Forty pages of the new and of the latest favorite Gospel Songs and selected Hymns. One copy of the pamphlet by mall, 15 cents; two copies, 25 cents; 10 copies, $1.00, 50 copies, $5.00; 100 copies, $10.00. W . E LM ER B A IL E Y , Publisher Station E Columbus, Ohio The Interchurch World Movement Examined in the light of God’s Word and con­ demned by its own utterances. Before taking another step in relation to this Movement be sure to first read this tract. 5c. = The Coming Bridegroom A mine of premillennial truth. 48 pp. tion. 24th thousand. 10c. The DeadMan in the Road A great message on David’s new ox cart re­ ligion. New. 48 pp. 10c. . All three tracts, postpaid, for 22 cents. CHAS. F. REITZEL. Altoona, Pa. MENTION “ KING’ S BUSINESS** WHEN 7th edi- =

Englewood Ave., Chicago, 111.

L. WHITE MFG. CO. Dept. K. 215,

Addresses delivered at the famous ! NORTHF I ELD | CONFERENCES | appear every month in the magazine Record of Christian Work World wide “ Religious Thought and & Activity” , special articles, illustrative 1 Hints and Helps” , and other departments. = $2.00 a year, postage extra to Canada j 45 = cents, foreign 50 cents. Trial subscnp- 1 tion, four months for 50 cents. Address, f i Box 574, East Northfield, Mass. M'nilllHIllllllIIllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlHIllllHllllllllinHIIlllllIllllllllllllHllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIHIIlHIIIIHIIIIllllllllHIIIlc?


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