Affordable Housing Initiative

This document is a result of the efforts of multiple organizations, individuals, institutions, and stakeholders with interests in assuring that the needs of lower income older adults are recognized and advocated for in the overall affordable housing discourse. In 2018, it was reported that over 3,000 older adults remained on years-long waiting lists for subsidized housing in Tucson and surrounding areas (Report on the State of Housing for Older Adults in Tucson, Arizona, 2018, Pima Council on Aging). We acknowledge that the affordable housing crisis for older adults will continue to expand as the impact of recent social, economic, and health concerns – such as COVID 19, steadily rising construction costs, shrinking subsidized housing options, and a growing and more diverse older adult population – challenge our already burdened affordable housing infrastructure. Here we attempt to identify barriers, suggest recommendations, and identify best practices that can lead to more innovative housing outcomes and improved quality of life for older adults in our region. We hope this also will provide a framework for action for other communities across the United Sates engaging with similar challenges.

Affordable Housing Alliance for Older Adults Pima County, Arizona June 2022

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