Affordable Housing Initiative

Selected Resources Local and national programs, policies and initiatives addressing the affordable housing needs of older adults

Land Use and Zoning Identification of Limits to Development of Innovative Affordable Housing Types in the Tucson Area

An assessment of current zoning in Tucson and neighboring jurisdictions by Bill Mackey, University of Arizona College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture. This type of mapping can help communities understand allowable land uses, thereby understand opportunities for development in areas suitable to accommodate the needs of older adults. Source: Innovative Housing Examination, Drachman Institute, January 2021 Digital Zoning Atlas An online zoning map designed to simplify zoning language and help community-based organizations and older adult affordable housing advocates understand land use opportunities and restrictions campaign=fa5e24f785-DailyNL_2022_06_10&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_fcee5bf7a0-fa5e24f785-44339210 An examination of the harmful effects of outdated zoning codes on older adults and strategies to address the consequences A resource for planners and developers. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourage zoning and community design that supports active lifestyles for older adults A guide to revising zoning codes to promote housing affordability and aging in place

Repurposing and Adaptive Reuse Adaptive reuse as an affordable housing option

A guide to citywide adaptive reuse program The demand for affordable housing for older adults is steering new ways of engaging outdated buildings %20leaving%20an%20existing,the%20older%20buildings%20are%20repurposed.

Planners embrace mixed use and adaptive reuse of buildings that have outlived their purpose.

Rental Increase Limits Arizona currently has no laws limiting rent increases in Low Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Allocation Plan, the major financing program for most older adult affordable housing projects.

Property owners have discretion in rent adjustments.

Housing affordability for older adults on a continum


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