Brothers All: T hroughout my life I have had a high sense of respect for those who serve in the United States Armed Forces. This respect stems from the respect I have for my father who is a retired Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves. His influence on my fellow siblings and me birthed in us a spirit of patriotism, honor, and respect that I will always hold near and dear to my heart. To the brothers who have chosen to put their lives on the line for our country, I not only salute you, but also pray God’s great peace and protection will be con- stantly over you, not only in your service to the country, but also in subsequent life. To brothers everywhere, I hope that we all honor those who have given their all for this country by exercising our rights, engaging in impactful community service, and doing all that we can to foster and
perpetuate democratic, civil society.
Lastly, as we honor our active and re- tired military brothers, let us all forever strive to embody those high ideals of brotherhood, patriotism, and achieve- ment exhibited by our early fraternity leaders on the battlefield of Le Mans, France during World War I. Let us never forget the sacrifice of all our great brothers in uniformed services.
His influence on my fellow siblings and me birthed in us a spirit of patriotism, honor, and respect that I will always hold near and dear to my heart.
Yours in the Bond,
Christopher G. Cross Junior Grand Vice Polemarch
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