Celebrating International Midwives’ Day
royal North Shore Hospital respiratory ward expansion Royal North Shore Hospital is expanding its respiratory unit from 18 beds to 39 in anticipation of an increase in COVID-19 positive patients requiring respiratory
with COVID-19 and respiratory issues. “By increasing the number of beds in the respiratory unit all patients can be in the one space outside of ICU, rather than splitting across multiple wards,” he said. “The new ward will put the hospital in a really good position to manage outbreaks of respiratory infections and diseases.” Dr Harris said one of the biggest advantages of joining the two wards is from an infection control perspective. “It means we can contain those who are unwell with COVID-19 in a single area, and the increase in isolated rooms allows us to have better infection control and deliver respiratory support therapy which is safer for both patients and staff.” The ward expansion is expected to be completed by mid-June.
support over the coming weeks and months. A second ward, currently haematology, will join the existing respiratory unit allowing for the extra 21 beds which includes an additional 12 negative pressure rooms and an increase in single rooms. The haematology unit will be moved to another ward in the hospital where patients will continue to receive care safely. The enlarged respiratory unit will become the new COVID-19 ward for positive patients and those awaiting clearance of their COVID-19 swabs. Royal North Shore Hospital’s Head of Respiratory Medicine Dr Ben Harris said by bringing the two wards together the hospital can have one area to house patients
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