Ed.D. Directory

Cohort 5

Sara Sandstrom

EDUCATION • M.A. in Social, Multicultural, and Bilingual Foundations of Education/Linguistically Diverse Education (K-12) University of Colorado • B.S. in Secondary Education and Social Studies Concordia University

ENROLLED • Cohort 5

LOCATION • Rollinsville, Colo.

Sara Sandstrom comes from a family of educators. Teaching is an undeniable part of her character. She grew up in rural areas in Indiana, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Each place different and unique that put her on a path of learning and knowing that every place she goes has beauty and every person she meets has worth. After graduating with a degree in secondary social studies education Sara accepted a teaching position at a high school in Tisovec, Slovakia. Sara taught English and history at the Evanjelicke Gymnazium in Tisovec for two years. Sara has taught in a variety of schools in the United States; public, private, charter, rural and urban. She finds teaching history and geography with primary sources, music and from all points of view gives students a more accurate view of events and culture. She also is a true advocate for the English Language Learners in her school. Sara sees herself as an as an advocate for all students who are underserved or do not “fit” in the education system. Her advocacy starts quietly by showing that she cares for the students and their families. It is about making connections and building a student’s confidence in a system that tells them too often that they are not good enough. Sara is endlessly curious about the world around her. The history and culture of where she visits and where she lives. She loves to hear peoples stories and works to keep them alive, so they are not lost to history. Sara wants to bring the voices that are silenced in our society and make them heard in our classrooms and in our communities. When all students see people like them integrated into their lessons, not just one month a year, they will see themselves and see their value in our society. Then, we can sustain a society where all people feel like they have an equal place at the table. As a journalist Sara uses her voice in her local newspaper to inform her readers about sustainability. A story about the farmer market is not only about the fresh veggies. Sara shares with her community that they are playing a role in reducing the carbon footprint and thus creating a more sustainable planet. When there is a chance Sara does not shy away from challenging her readers. For example, to think beyond hot dogs and parades on the Fourth of July. She wants them to consider how Native Americans might feel on this National holiday. Sara sees herself as one woman in a small mountain town and in a small mountain school trying to change hearts and minds. She wants people to think beyond the same old patterns we have seen and been taught time and time again. To create a society where everyone is proud to speak their native language. To create a society where everyone can proudly show what religion they believe in. To be in a society where the color of your skin does not bring judgment to your character. To be in a society where we are all valued.

UW-Stevens Point


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