Ed.D. Directory

Cohort 6

Benjamin Nusz

EDUCATION • M.S. in Environmental Science and Policy UW-Green Bay • B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy University of Minnesota

ENROLLED • Cohort 6

LOCATION • Amherst, Wis.

Benjamin Nusz has spent the last 20 years working in sustainability, first as an installer and designer of renewable energy systems and later as an educator and trainer. He is co-author of the book “Solar Water Heating: A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Water and Space Heating Systems.” Benjamin is currently the Stevens Point Campus Dean for Mid-State Technical College in central Wisconsin where he connects the community to the academic programs and students. Benjamin volunteers for a number of non-profit and professional organizations, including the Rotary Club of Greater Portage County, United Way of Portage County, CREATE Portage County, the Midwest Renewable Energy Association, the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners, the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin, the Portage County Business Council and the Central Rivers Farmshed. Benjamin is the host and creator of the podcast, Profile: Central Wisconsin, which tells the origin stories of local innovators and leaders. As a doctoral student, Benjamin is interested in increasing access to higher education through exploring systemic admissions challenges and changing the context in which collegiate decisions are being made. He firmly believes that education is the engine to upward mobility and widespread sustainability. Increasing ease of access can improve both of these outcomes.

UW-Stevens Point


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