Ed.D. Directory

Cohort 6

Katie Kane

EDUCATION • M.A. in Education: Special Education Truman State University • B.A. in English – Creative Writing Truman State University

ENROLLED • Cohort 6

LOCATION • St. Louis, Mo.

Katie Kane is a Peruvian adoptee with indigenous Quechua roots, who was raised in the suburbs of St. Louis. Growing up she witnessed and experienced systemic racism and knew that she had to fight for social justice. She has spent the last eight years teaching as a high school special educator. She is the lead teacher for her school’s social emotional behavioral program and is working to build a holistic curriculum using restorative justice, social emotional learning, and land based cross-cultural education. As a member of the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee, Green Team Committee, and Character Education Committee, she believes in Sterling’s assertion that sustainable education is transformative and engages the whole person and the whole learning institution (Sterling, 2009). As a doctoral student of Educational Sustainability, Katie hopes to enhance her career creating a sustainable future. She is called to this work because she has the passion and drive to find creative ways to keep moving forward and fighting for social justice in this diverse world. She knows she can effect change from anywhere on the globe because everything and everyone is connected–that is educational sustainability. When she is not teaching or learning as a student of UWSP, Katie is spending time with her family and friends. She enjoys reading, crafting, puzzles, hiking, gardening, and making her house as ecologically sustainable as possible.


Ed.D. in Educational Sustainability

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