ManualEdgePT | Skiing & Snowboarding



Manual Edge Physiotherapy offers the most effective techniques for rel ief from Knee Pain! To learn more about how we can help you, visit

Let Manual Edge Physiotherapy Help You Reach Your Health & Fitness Goals This Year! The professionals at Manual Edge Physiotherapy will help you regain lost motion, strength, balance and coordination resulting frompain in your shoulders, back, neck, hips or knees. Start the year off with a safe and conservative treatment that gets results, we can help to strengthen and increase your mobility, while decreasing pain. Our goal is to empower you to actively manage your pain, increase your range of motion and get you moving again. We will get you back to living the life you deserve. 5 Health Tips For The New Year 1. Shop Well For Yourself. It is more important than ever to stock your kitchen with healthy foods. Have healthy snacks handy. The more convenient they are, the more likely you are to eat them. Instead of thinking about what you shouldn’t eat, promise to eat your 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day. 2. Schedule Your Exercise. Schedule your workouts just as you would any other appointment. It’s okay if you can’t make it to class, but make sure that you get some activity in at least three days per week. 3. Just Say No. You probably aren’t aware how much extra food you consume just frompeople offering it to you. Just think twice before you take that food and decide if you really want it. 4. Skip the Baking. Do you make baked goods for giving? Instead make non-food gifts, or prepare ingredients for baked goods and put them in pretty jars—this year, let your gift recipient bake it up. 5. Hydrate. Keep your water bottle with you at all times. You should be drinking eight, 8-ounce glasses of water each day. One handy trick is to buy a 64 ounce water jug. Fill it up in the morning and know that you need to finish it by the end of the day.


Chris Kaster DPT working on seated balance exercise at a Concussion Treatment class. Chris attended the class with Teresa Owen and Tim Bonack. Valerie Jones also attended an advanced Visceral Manipulation class in Denver this same weekend.

Tim and Zoe taking in the sights of downtown Cozumel, Mexico.

WWW.MANUALEDGE.COM | 719-694-8342

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