Our Estate
Our Estate is the physical representation of our schools. It includes a diverse and varied portfolio of historic and modern buildings which are used for a wide range of purposes and activities, each of which plays an important part in defining the character of our schools. Our Estate presents opportunities to engage with the public whilst providing modern facilities for innovative learning and, as such, it must meet the demands of the pupils, staff and the wider local community. Over the years, we have invested significantly in the development and modernisation of our facilities. However, there is still much to be done and this work continues as we plan for an increasingly demanding parent body. The estate is owned by the Girl’s Day School Trust (GDST). The Trustees of GDST delegate their responsibility to preserve, maintain and develop the estate to the Estates Director, who is responsible for the programming, planning, compliance and delivery of all construction and central maintenance works, and who employs a full time staff of technical professionals to oversee this work. Each school has a small delegated maintenance budget, which is directly managed by the schools Director of Finance and Operations (DFO) and his/her Facilities Team.
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