GDST - Estates Director

About Us

The GDST is a charitable company which owns and operates our independent schools and employs the staff at these schools and Trust Office (where our central services are located). The Council of the Trust, currently comprising 12 trustees, sets the strategic direction and has overall responsibility for the organisation. This includes ensuring the safety and welfare of our pupils, financial viability and control, and their duties as employers of all GDST staff. Council approves school budgets and fees, authorises building and other capital development programmes, and oversees educational policy. The day-to-day management of the Trust is delegated to the Chief Executive and the directors who make up the senior management team. They are in regular contact with the GDST’s schools and academies, and the heads of the schools report to the trustees via the Chief Executive. The GDST Academy Trust is responsible for our two Academies, and GDST Enterprises, a subsidiary of the GDST, incorporates the trading activities associated with our independent schools. Each of our schools and academies are different but, like a family, each shares some of the same GDST DNA. Running through them is the belief that each girl is unique, and that each of them needs to be encouraged and channeled in her own way. 22 of our schools are Senior Schools, with Junior Schools and Sixth Forms. One school (Kensington Preparatory School) is a stand-alone prep school for girls aged four to 11, and our two academies at Belvedere and Birkenhead. Two schools (Howell’s in Cardiff and Shrewsbury High School) are partly co-educational: Howell’s in its Sixth Form College and Shrewsbury High in its prep school. The Royal High School in Bath is currently the only school with boarding facilities although the Boughrood Field Centre in Wales also has residential accommodation. Other schools have residential accommodation, but this is for staff use and caretakers.

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